
ANOVA, Test of Homogeneity of Variances, Multiple Comparison and SPSS Calculations.

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R’s socioeconomic index (2010) 
  Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 474058.682 4 118514.671 385.981 .000
Within Groups 743670.506 2422 307.048    
Total 1217729.188 2426      
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
R’s socioeconomic index (2010) 
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
23.938 4 2422 .000
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable:   R’s socioeconomic index (2010) 
  (I) RS HIGHEST DEGREE (J) RS HIGHEST DEGREE Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
  Lower Bound Upper Bound
Bonferroni LT HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL -10.6923* 1.1432 .000 -13.904 -7.480
JUNIOR COLLEGE -19.9879* 1.6560 .000 -24.640 -15.335
BACHELOR -32.4796* 1.3119 .000 -36.166 -28.794
GRADUATE -46.2190* 1.4764 .000 -50.367 -42.071
HIGH SCHOOL LT HIGH SCHOOL 10.6923* 1.1432 .000 7.480 13.904
JUNIOR COLLEGE -9.2956* 1.3924 .000 -13.208 -5.383
BACHELOR -21.7874* .9580 .000 -24.479 -19.096
GRADUATE -35.5267* 1.1732 .000 -38.823 -32.230
JUNIOR COLLEGE LT HIGH SCHOOL 19.9879* 1.6560 .000 15.335 24.640
HIGH SCHOOL 9.2956* 1.3924 .000 5.383 13.208
BACHELOR -12.4918* 1.5340 .000 -16.802 -8.182
GRADUATE -26.2311* 1.6768 .000 -30.942 -21.520
BACHELOR LT HIGH SCHOOL 32.4796* 1.3119 .000 28.794 36.166
HIGH SCHOOL 21.7874* .9580 .000 19.096 24.479
JUNIOR COLLEGE 12.4918* 1.5340 .000 8.182 16.802
GRADUATE -13.7394* 1.3382 .000 -17.499 -9.980
GRADUATE LT HIGH SCHOOL 46.2190* 1.4764 .000 42.071 50.367
HIGH SCHOOL 35.5267* 1.1732 .000 32.230 38.823
JUNIOR COLLEGE 26.2311* 1.6768 .000 21.520 30.942
BACHELOR 13.7394* 1.3382 .000 9.980 17.499
Games-Howell LT HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL -10.6923* .9292 .000 -13.235 -8.149
JUNIOR COLLEGE -19.9879* 1.6288 .000 -24.459 -15.517
BACHELOR -32.4796* 1.2173 .000 -35.808 -29.151
GRADUATE -46.2190* 1.2495 .000 -49.639 -42.799
HIGH SCHOOL LT HIGH SCHOOL 10.6923* .9292 .000 8.149 13.235
JUNIOR COLLEGE -9.2956* 1.5125 .000 -13.455 -5.137
BACHELOR -21.7874* 1.0566 .000 -24.677 -18.898
GRADUATE -35.5267* 1.0936 .000 -38.523 -32.531
JUNIOR COLLEGE LT HIGH SCHOOL 19.9879* 1.6288 .000 15.517 24.459
HIGH SCHOOL 9.2956* 1.5125 .000 5.137 13.455
BACHELOR -12.4918* 1.7047 .000 -17.167 -7.817
GRADUATE -26.2311* 1.7279 .000 -30.970 -21.492
BACHELOR LT HIGH SCHOOL 32.4796* 1.2173 .000 29.151 35.808
HIGH SCHOOL 21.7874* 1.0566 .000 18.898 24.677
JUNIOR COLLEGE 12.4918* 1.7047 .000 7.817 17.167
GRADUATE -13.7394* 1.3470 .000 -17.424 -10.055
GRADUATE LT HIGH SCHOOL 46.2190* 1.2495 .000 42.799 49.639
HIGH SCHOOL 35.5267* 1.0936 .000 32.531 38.523
JUNIOR COLLEGE 26.2311* 1.7279 .000 21.492 30.970
BACHELOR 13.7394* 1.3470 .000 10.055 17.424
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.   Questions and Answers relating to the Tables Above
  1. What is your research question? How can we use socioeconomic index of 2010 to determine whether means differences exist in respondents’ highest degree level?
  2. What is the null hypothesis for your question? Looking at the socioeconomic index of 2010, there seemed to conclude little to no differences in respondents’ highest degree level.
  3. What research design would align with this question? The research design I used is the comparative design of methodology. In social sciences, this type of research design is aimed at defining correlation or differences among multiple variables (Cantrell, 2011).
  4. What dependent variable was used and how is it measured? The dependent variable is R’s socioeconomic index of 2010. It is measured as interval/ratio variable by using the One-Way Anova as a comparison of means test.
  5. What independent variable is used and how is it measured? The independent variable is R’s highest degrees level. Using the One-Way Anova, it is measured as nominal variable to compare means test.
  6. If you found significance, what is the strength of the effect? Using Post Hoc Tests and the options for levene statistics, we can conclude the strength of statistical significance to be P<0.05=0.000.
  7. Explain your results for a lay audience and further explain what the answer is to your research question. Unlike independent, paired and one-way sample t-test, ANOVA involves multiple expectations concerning the system of sampling, the level of measurement, the structure of the sample distribution and the homogeneity of variance (Wagner, 2016). The F-statistics is an important value that helps in determining the significance of our test. Looking at the table, we can see that the significance level is 0.000. This level is far under the conventional threshold of 0.05. Therefore, we can answer our research question by rejecting the null hypothesis that there are no differences in socioeconomic index of 2010 across respondents’ highest degree level. It is essential to find other possible differences and where or how they relates. We can find which means differ using the Post-hoc test. Using Post-hoc test, I have selected the Bonferroni Test for equal variances assumed, and Games-Howell test for equal variances not assumed. I have likewise used the levene’s test or test of homogeneity of variances to determine null hypothesis. In the table, if I look at the significance level, I will see that we are at 0.000, which is under the assigned level of 0.05. Therefore, we will reject null hypothesis that variances are equal. The other two options of Post-hoc test (i.e. Bonferroni Test and Games-Howell) proved the same conclusion, and displayed differences in means test among R’s highest degree level.


Wagner, W. E. (2016). Using IBM® SPSS® statistics for research methods and social science statistics (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Cantrell, M. A. (2011). Demystifying the research process: Understanding a descriptive comparative research design. Pediatric Nursing, 37(4), 188-9.