Facets are associated with the many sides of a jewel, but a facet can also be the side of any surfaces, such as the small plane surfaces on a column, or the multiple surfaces of any rock. For researchers, ethics also contains many facets. The protection of human subjects is one facet of being an […]
Social and economic inequality is detrimental to the health of any society. This is true when the society is diverse, multicultural, overpopulated and undergoing rapid but unequal economic growths, including immigrations issues such as undocumented immigrants. Anything undocumented cannot be measured but I think there can be estimative factors leading to predictions of the result. […]

REPORT WORKSHEET Overview: The training was perfectly conducted in an organized manner in terms of human resources and utility services. However recommendations may be available that may improve the training outcome. Challenges though not much but have been faced during the training. Program Dates, times, venue(s) Day 1 activities: Social entrepreneurship discussion was carried out […]