- Abstract Title page
- Abstract
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study
- Background
- Summarize literature from your prospectus, annotated bibliography and articles you found in this course that points to a gap in the research that is worthy of further study
- Research Problem
- State the research problem in terms of the gap in the research literature
- Frame the problem in terms of how further research could be of benefit
- Purpose Statement
- Use the template to present
your statement that includes
- Target group/individual/organization/event of interest
- Phenomenon of interest
- Terminology that indicates the approach to be used
- Use the template to present
your statement that includes
- Research Questions
- Conceptual or Theoretical Framework
- Present the framework that you have revised from your prospectus
- Background
- Chapter 2: Research Plan
- Research Design: Choice of Approach
- Describe the Phenomenon of Interest
- Description of Approach
- Rationale for Chosen Approach
- Role of the Researcher
- Reveal any personal and professional relationships you have with the participants
- State how biases will be managed
- Participant Selection
- Describe the target group of interest
- Describe the sampling strategy and ideal sample size (if you were to conduct this as a real study)
- Describe the criterion for sample selection (if you were to conduct this as a real study)
- Describe how participants were be contacted and invited for this effort
- Instrumentation
- The Interview Guide
- Describe the basis for development (literature, theory, personal experience) of the interview questions)
- Describe efforts to insure content validity and credibility
- Describe other data sources (e.g.,
journal, notes, video)
- Describe how and how
- The Interview Guide
- Procedures for Data Collection.
- Please include a narrative of
- Where/how the data were collected
- Duration of data collection events
- How data were recorded
- How the participants were debriefed
- Ethical procedures to protect the participants during the recruiting, data collection and debriefing process.
- Please include a narrative of
- Data
Analysis Plan
- Repeat the purpose and research question
- Describe the plan that best fits the chosen approach
- Describe examples of codes and categories you developed
- Describe considerations for choosing QDA software
- Issues of Trustworthiness
- For each dimension of trustworthiness describe (a) what you did [if anything]; and (b) what other strategies could be considered if this was your dissertation
- Credibility
- Transferability
- Dependability
- Confirmability
- Research Design: Choice of Approach
- Chapter 3: Summary and Reflections
- Introduction
- Restate research purpose and question
- Reflection on Social Change
- Discuss the relevance of your proposed research to Walden’s mission of social change
- Reflection on Course Learning
- Reflect on what was learned about conducting qualitative research
- Next Steps
- Consider your next steps in preparation for the dissertation
- Introduction
- References