Computer-Generated Medical Records.

Potential to computer-generated medical records is the ability to retain all or most of the patient records for 5 and/or more years, which may seem unwieldy, but it makes the task feasible, while also increasing the efficiency for many other health information management processes. Huge medical centers are generating more than 100,000 orders a week. […]

Human Mindset

Social and economic inequality is detrimental to the health of any society. This is true when the society is diverse, multicultural, overpopulated and undergoing rapid but unequal economic growths, including immigrations issues such as undocumented immigrants.  Anything undocumented cannot be measured but I think there can be estimative factors leading to predictions of the result. […]

Russian Healthcare—Brief Overview

When comparing two societies that have the same level of average income, the society with a more democratic distribution may have healthier people living in it than the society with a higher level of inequality. I believed this became the case in the Russian post-transitional level and in terms of changes in mortality and quality […]

Inclusive Restructure of public health policies in Philippines: Robust overview of needed public health changes that are culturally supportive in the communities of Philippines

             It is sad to say that families in Philippines (especially the poor) have been subjected to limited access of prenatal care, safe pregnant delivery, family planning and pregnant vaccinations. Thus, post great threat to the quality of care, standard of living and the life expectancy of Filipinos. Citizens lack modern clinical infrastructures due to […]

EMTALA action vs. Malpractice Action

EMTALA action differ from a malpractice action in the sense that it requires that a Medicare-provider hospital offer an appropriate medical screening examination to determine whether an emergency medical condition exists for any individual who presents to the emergency department seeking treatment. Any violation to the said requirement is a ground for claim of action. […]

Examples of medication errors

Prescription errors include wrong patient, wrong drug, wrong dose, wrong frequency, wrong route, transcription errors, inadequate review of ordered drug, and insufficient review of medication for appropriate prescription. Dispensing errors include improper preparation of medication, failure to properly formulate medications, dispensing expired medications, mislabeling containers, wrong patient, wrong dose, et cetera. Administration errors include wrong […]

Affordable Care Act (ACA), and Hypothetical Financial Ratios in Health Systems

Financial statements shade a picture of financial health of an organization. Important parts of the financial statement of a health care organization are ratios. Analysis of ratios show how two numbers relate or compare to one another. Ratios are a way for organizations to make assessment. These comparisons not only encompass what is happening presently […]

Provider Participation in Healthcare Benefits

Early evidence on primary care models has shown is promising outcomes. The patient-centered medical home pilot test at Geisinger Health System reduced hospitalization by 20 percent and overall cost trends by 7 percent in its first year (Paulus, R.A., Davis, K., and Steele, G.D., 2008). The North Carolina Community Care Model (NCCCM) of medical homes […]

Cultural Diversity in the U.S. Healthcare

      United States has continually to become more diverse demographically, with racial and ethnic minorities, predictable to become most of the U.S. population by 2042. A culturally competent system of care acknowledges and incorporates–at all levels–the importance of culture and ethics, the assessment of cross-cultural relations, vigilance towards the dynamics that result from cultural differences, […]

Improvement of Children’s Health

According to Oregon Health & Science University’s description on origin of health development (n.d.), “David Barker, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.S., in 1989, first reported the relationship between birth weight and death rates from coronary heart disease in both men and women in Hertfordshire, UK.” The resulted research proved that amongst adults with a birth weight ranging […]

Application: Exposing the Gaps—How Does the United States Compare in Key Determinants of Health?

            As many people said, addressing the quality of care in today’s era of health reform is neither a top-down nor bottom-up method.  This is because successful implementation of any health care reform law will be contingent on the ability of all partaking parties ( ie. federal government, the states, health care payers, hospitals, […]

Canada Healthcare System, What Works vs. United States—Healthcare Viewpoints

Population health is an important concept of describing the health outcomes of a group of people in each area of locality (Improving Population Health, n.d.). The concept is equally significant in assessing the Canadian health outcomes within different communities, and subgroups of individuals. There are many factors that can affect equal distribution of health within […]

Underlying Ethical and Legal Principles Involved with sexual activity involving provider/patient and employee/employer

Healthcare organizations, providers, employers, are always expected to ethically and legally follow set of rules and procedures in making sure they practice the right practice of medicine in providing quality care for the patients. Healthcare professionals are required to observe to the prevalent standards of care required within their professions. For example, a nurse’s sexual […]

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)

It could be true that for some, either undocumented or documented, this is the only or one of the only ways to receive treatment for various health-related conditions. However, I think health reform is a small part in the bigger context of U.S. immigration policy, which lacks a basis to implement specific health policies like individual […]

Different Methods of Payment to Healthcare Providers

There are different forms or methods of payment to healthcare providers. A third-party payment is a system whereby healthcare agent(s) contracts with providers to pay for the medical care of patients. Second-party payment, according to Nowicki (2011), is a payment structure whereby healthcare payment is made from the person receiving the medical services. One example […]

The Two Adaptive Mice; Describe an Environmental Control System

Adaptive technology makes it possible for people with disabilities to exercise control over their home and work environments.  Wheelchairs for example, are developed that not only help move people around, but also climb stairs and allow them to reach a high shelf. Evoluent Vertical Mouse 2 is a standard horizontal mouse requires your forearm to […]

Culture and Health Policy Development

               It is possible for health policies to fail due to cultural factors. This is because when looking at the anthropological history of United States (US) and the world at large, we can see how according to Campbell (2011), that even attempting to comprehend disease etiology among certain population, public health experts often use […]

Applying Evidence-Based Solutions to the Study of Diabetes in Manila, Philippines.

       The impact of a cardiovascular health awareness program (CHAP) on decreasing blood pressure is one that emphasize on cohort study. The one evidence-based solution I might use to address public health problem of diabetes in Manila is the use and impact of cardiovascular health awareness program (CHAP) on reducing blood pressure — a cohort […]

Health Disparity: Chinese and Indian Healthcare System

 Comprehending the impacts and effects of different health outcomes in relative terms, and between some countries, are vital in considering the reasons for the disparities and health needs of a country. China and India have had dramatic changes in economic growth, population and health. The two world superpowers have attracted much needed global attention in […]

Describe a sampling of problems resulting in physician liability

The viability of any negligence claim, including a medical negligence claim, is predicated on the defendant’s duty to exercise reasonable care. In a medical negligence claim, this duty arises out of the physician-patient relationship. Sample of problems and practices resulting in physician liability include the physician’s use of an unprecedented procedure that results in patient’s […]

Describe a sample of problems resulting in nursing liability

Example or specimen of problems and practices resulting in nursing liability include improper and/or inappropriate administration of medications; negligent injections; failure to follow a physician’s orders; departure from acceptable practices; burns; infections; inappropriate care of the patient; inappropriate delay in treatment; failure to follow medical and clinical instructions; failure to follow vital signs and symptoms; […]

Differences in court opinions concerning liability for foreign objects left inside of patients during operations.

The liability of foreign objects left inside of patients during operations depends on court opinions on whether the sole responsibility of the operating instruments are for the job responsibility of either the operating room personnel or the physicians or both. The responsibility of accounting for sponges, instruments and other foreign matters may lie with both […]

Nurse’s responsibility when there is disagreement with a physician order.

When there is a disagreement with a physician’s order, a nurse should not be negligent on its medical practice. A nurse should be responsible for making complete inquiry about the accuracy and uncertainty of a physician order, in a patient’s record. For example, in the case of Louisiana of Norton vs. Argonout Insurance Co., the […]

Quality Improvement (QI) and Statistical Process Control (SPC) in Healthcare Improvement

Quality improvement (QI) practices represent a leading approach to the essential, and often challenging, task of managing organizational change. Statistical process control (SPC) is, in turn, a key approach to QI. SPC was developed in the 1920s by the physicist Walter Shewhart to improve industrial manufacturing. It migrated to healthcare, first in laboratory settings (eg, […]

Due process requirements in medical staff by-laws and the employment termination of contracted medical staff (such as Radiologists, Pathologists, and ER physicians).

Medical staff bylaws generally are binding on the parties—the organized medical staff and the hospital or health care entity that approves and signs them. Medical staff bylaws consist of the individual medical staff members, applicants, and other practitioners who have been granted clinical privileges. A number of jurisdictions have held that medical staff bylaws always […]

Public Health Surveillance

World Health Organization. (December 11, 2010). Public Health Surveillance. Retrieved October 8, 2012 from       Disease surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection, merging and analysis of data and the dissemination of this information to those who need it so that action may be taken. Surveillance like this requires understanding of how public data are […]

Public Health Behaviors and Data Surveillance.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (July 28, 2010). Public Health Surveillance Using Emergency Medical Service Logs-U.S.-Mexico Land Border, El Paso, Taxes, 2009. Jama Network: The Journal of the American Medical Association. Retrieved October 7, 2012 from      In the United States, data systems are created by the ongoing, systematic collection of health, demographic, and […]

The Role of Public Health Informatics in Enhancing Public Health Surveillance

Savel T., Foldy S. (July 27, 2012). The Role of Public Health Informatics in Enhancing Public Health Surveillance. Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved October 7, 2012 from       Several federal projects have been conducted successfully that share restricted data with other agencies and nongovernmental organizations. For example, Center for Disease Control and […]

What are some of the advantages of using robots in the operating room?

Some of the advantages of using robots in the operating room is that a robot may be able to “see” via video devices and to “hear” through microphones using speech recognition software. Robots can hold endoscopes and other instruments without becoming tired or shaky—unlike humans who are liable to becoming tired. Robots are used to […]

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research theory often equates with the methodologies used but this is a complex relationship, plagued by lack of consensus among scholars regarding how theory and methodology are related. There is an article Bradbury-Jones, Taylor, & Herber, (2014) that furthers the debates how theories are used in qualitative research, how they might influence a study and how they are articulated in […]

The Focus Group Protocol

As a public health professional, it is likely that you will conduct focus groups as part of community health assessments. Focus groups are useful when exploring community issues and developing good survey questions. As with all research, planning the focus group is important so that the data you seek can be easily and reliably collected […]

Community Profiling

Community profiling is used to classify the fortes, weaknesses, needs and problems of a community like, African American church community on the Chicago south side. By identifying these classifications of profiling, we are basically making decisions about health services, while extenuating the allocation of resources. A lot of people may not understand the concept of […]

Dashboards in Hospitals and Healthcare Environments

Using dashboards in a hospital facility are very useful in managing many of the key sides of medical operations and that also guarantee care providers are fairly compensated while the quality of patient care is continued. capturing information that provides real-time process and cycle data as two of the important benefits of using dashboards. This […]

Electronic Health Records

Health ethical issues are invariably accompanied by legal questions and the causes include society plus professional misconducts. When it comes to in-depth definition of what is medically ethical or moral and/or what is not, the answer has almost always goes to owns personal belief.  As for my personal opinion, I think the issue of conscience […]

Ethical Issues in Healthcare Research

The current ethical issues faced by the healthcare industry in medical research, are mostly pertaining to the fact that medical research has now shifted to low-income, developing countries, from the developed countries, where it was earlier carried out. The main reason for the shifting of this medical research to foreign sites is the ease and […]

Healthcare Management Ethics and Responsibilities:

Healthcare ethics refer to a set of moral values and principles to be used for decision-making in the field of medicine. Read on to know about the ethical issues faced by the healthcare industry in medical research and hospital management. Ethical issues in the health sector should be dealt with lot of care and concern. […]

Team Environment, Leadership in Healthcare setting and What could be Communities of Practice (CoPs)

Gauging consistency among team member roles is important, not only in the healthcare sector, but among others. For example, if one team member has consistently been responsible for a certain type of task, which has been done effectively and efficiently in a group, then the skills needed to accomplish the said task are part of […]

The Use of Concepts of The Developmental Origins of Life and How Health Can Influence Adult Illness

The concepts of evolving origins of life and health can influence adult morbidity in several ways. For example, it can influence the understanding of adult morbidity and the influence on the protection of adult morbidity. There is an account of evolving roots of wellbeing and adult disease. According to Oregon Health & Science University’s description […]

Health Literacy

Health literacy occurs when health information and services created for the public match with people’s capacity to find, understand, and use them. AHRQ’s health literacy resources help health care professionals and delivery organizations make information easier to understand and systems easier to navigate for patients.  I will say the National Action Plan to Improve Health […]

United States Healthcare System

There are many advocates of U.S healthcare system, in terms of historical and quality delivery of care. For example, some advocates of healthcare improvement, quality and equality of care have come far away from home. This is because there is no doubt the trends in U.S. healthcare industry is evolving, and thanks to policy changes, […]

Quality of Care and the United States Healthcare Spending

Addressing the quality of care in today’s era of health care reform is neither a top-down nor bottom-up approach alone.  This is because successful implementation of any health care reform law will be contingent on the ability of all participating parties ( ie. federal government, the states, health care payers, hospitals, industry, medical societies, physicians, […]

Governing Boards in Healthcare Foundations and Community of Practice (CoP)

The effective governing boards share long term vision and safeguard the interest of the shareholders, healthcare organizations. For example, the roles of the effective governing board of directors, in publicly held companies is governed in part by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and is designed to serve as a benchmark for management to protect shareholders. […]

United States Healthcare System and Financing

In terms of the complexity in US healthcare system, it is by no surprise that multiple players maintain key roles and face distinct challenges in the provision of care. These challenges range from financing and technological issues facing health facilities to supply and educational challenges facing providers.  There is the role-shifting of government toward health […]

Trust in Healthcare Administration and What is Ethical?

There are three critical issues in establishing trust between healthcare administration and doctors; Communication, Respect and Awareness. Communication is critical and needs to be established early in the administration to physician relationship. Administrators need to find out what the physicians need and how the administrators can meet those needs. The approach and delivery of communication […]

Leadership in Healthcare and Information Accessibility

Northouse defined and described leadership as “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.”  Although before he defined leadership, he admitted the notion that there are many ways to define leadership and its roles in healthcare sector. Leadership can be defined as an act of stepping-up and impacting […]

Marketing in Healthcare

Healthcare marketing is the introduction and improvement of healthcare management. Healthcare management is different and unique than any other industry management. This is because certain things need to be looked at such as the patients’ confidentiality. A doctor can be sued for millions of dollars if he appears to violate the confidentiality and privacy terms […]

A Driller fined for water contamination in PA-Generalization and Utility Tests

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PDEP) has fined Catalyst Energy incorporation in the amount of $185,000. The PDEP has proved that, based on their unswerving water samples, Catalyst Energy (CE) has contaminated water supplies near its oil and gas well operations in Forest, McKean and Warren counties. Therefore, unless CE can prove otherwise, they […]

Disparities in Healthcare- The race for race

“Decreasing racial disparities will require addressing nonfinancial barriers to accessing health care such as, the cultural and linguistic competency of health providers and institutions, the lack of health care providers where minority groups reside, both intentional and unintentional discrimination-within the health care system, and perception of discrimination on the part of members of various racial […]

The study of Epidemiology

Epidemiology is the study of disease occurrence and transmission in a human population, epidemiological studies focus on the distribution and determinants of disease. Epidemiology may also be considered the method of public health—a scientific approach to studying disease and health problems. Epidemiology consists of research methods and specific strategies for counting and calculating the occurrence […]

Research: Implementing Packet Payment System in the Health Care facilities Of Missouri and Nationwide

Research: Implementing Packet Payment System in the Health Care facilities Of Missouri and Nationwide Prepared by: Abubakar Binji Figure 1: Percentage of Costs Represented by Bundled Conditions Baseline Spending (2012-2021)    ($ in billions) Cumulative Potential Savings (2012-2021)      ($ in billions) Cumulative Actionable Savings (2012-2021)      ($ in billions)          $      […]

Conceptualizing a Qualitative Research Question

Well informed questions are key to good research design (Yale University, 2015). The foundational approach of augmenting our dimensions to conceptualizing a research inquiry is very significant in how we form research purpose (Yale University. (2015). This is because research questions defined the purpose of the research process. I could hypothetically design qualitative research question […]

Theoretical Framework vs Conceptual Framework

Theoretical and conceptual frameworks provide evidence of academic standards and procedure. They also offer an explanation of why the study is pertinent and how the researcher expects to fill the gap in the literature. Grant and Osanloo (2014) described theoretical framework as a foundational framework of which all information and understanding is formed for a […]

Theoretical Lens

           Theoretical lens in qualitative analysis is a framework that provides explanations, and methods of our experiences of phenomena in the world (Moore, 2006)). This allows us to see how we could form an interpretive context of the mind. Theoretical lens in qualitative research could provide explanation of set of ideas used in research design […]

Breast Cancer and Widespread

One of the effective ways in tackling the widespread of breast cancer is to focus on the health-related causes of early breast cancer detection, which include making recommendations for the effective stress management intervention, for breast cancer patients. Early breast cancer detection through screening mammography is the most effective way to reduce mortality rate from the […]

Qualitative Research Approach—Why Its Usage?

Consider the statement: Qualitative researchers study people in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them.           Qualitative research approach is a study that uses narrative reporting to explain and analyses behaviors of people and the implications of their actions (Erickson, 2011). It is equally […]

Utilizing Data Collection—Pros and Cons

There are pros and cons to any method of utilizing data collection. For example, many researchers think individual interview takes a great deal of time and, even money (Brannen, 2005 ). Individual interviews help access the context of people’s behavior and thereby provide a route for researchers to comprehend the meaning of such behavior. In […]

Participant Interviews and Focus Group As Forms of Qualitative Data Collection

Interviews are among the most familiar strategies for collecting qualitative data. The different qualitative interviewing approaches and in common usage, emerged from diverse disciplinary perspectives resulting in a wide variation among interviewing approaches (Dicicco-Bloom, B., & Crabtree, 2006). There is an important research article that seeks to compare two different qualitative methods to research. This […]

Hypothetical Research on Pressure Ulcer (PU) in a Hospital Setting.

PUs (i.e. bed sores) are infections for patients that typically have longer length of stays at hospitals and long-term care facilities. Due to the long length of patients stays in hospitals, (i.e. 2-4 weeks), Medicare insurance may not reimburse for ulcers that occur during such episode of stay and will potentially require medical evaluation.The development […]

What is Public Health?

Public health is a social science (designed for social change) of keeping, promoting and improving the health issues of communities. Public health supports healthy standard of living, inquire about public health diseases and deterrence of infectious diseases (CDC Foundation, n.d.). For example, as a public health issue in Philippines and a social factor, limited education […]

Organizational Management in Public Health

My organization consisted of management in one side and the lower employees on the other side. That clearly brings about organizational problems that usually lead to underproduction and deficiencies on aspect of employee engagement.  Many top talent employees are leaving our organization and seeking employment in other organizations whereby employee of all levels are giving […]

The book of James MacGregor Burns—–Assessing Leadership Models

             The book of James MacGregor Burns (2004), titled Transformational Leadership talked about the idea that effective leaders don’t always call for good leadership— They are expected to be great leaders.  In many aspects, accomplishing some changes of the world that will change people and solve their needs is the best attribute of great leaders. […]


In the United States there are over seventy million adults that are considered obese.  Conditions that can be related to obesity include but are not limited to diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.  On an annual basis, the medical costs of obesity are over one hundred billion dollars with each individual costing fifteen hundred dollars more […]

Health as Means of Social Justice and the role of social supports in Health Information

The idea of social justice in relation to market justice is how fair distribution of society in terms of benefits, responsibilities and their consequences are allocated.  While considerable effort has been made to include more social, economic, and cultural perspectives, efforts to frame these issues became political phenomena, which have tended to be polarized. This […]

Healthcare Ethics and Patient Confidentiality

The need to exert influence to safeguard the health of populations and, to avoid abuses of such power are at the heart of public health ethics (Thomas, Sage, Dillenberg & Guillorv, 2002).  More than any other industry, issues that deal with patients and their welfare are of utmost importance in the healthcare industry. This is […]

Can We Learn from Cuba Healthcare System?

when looking at the U.S. healthcare system, we can see some factors shaping the strength of a single unchallenged status. Among them and as a consequence of an imperfect market for healthcare is the entry limits that prevent the number of providers who can run-through in a particular area (Altman, Reinherdt & Shields, 1998).  These […]

Intermediary Leaders and How Successful Leaders Do What They Do

             In a situation where a leader has to look up to the employee while ensuring his or her reputation is not put to the wall, is something that requires four personal resource skills— physical , emotional, spiritual and most importantly mental construction in self-guidance of  becoming successful at what you do. This guides in […]

Public Health Organizations and Steps in Improving a Culture of Ethics and Responsibilities

The two steps to foster the change process in organizations include improving sound ethical behavior within the organization and focusing on the capacity for leaders to follow instead of lead. These are significantly essential steps, even in public health settings. It is important for many organizations, small or large to understand that ethical behavior in […]

Working Environment in Healthcare Settings—Healthcare Leadership

Working in healthcare settings requires collaborative work environment where employees are safe to offer ideas for service efficiency. Secondly, those managers who can deliver professional presentations, process and transmit information, and engage in positive feedback are those with effective management skills. Individuals and leader(s) within team environment must understand and act in which trust is […]

Incorporating Systems Thinking in Healthcare Organizations

At the outset, it is good to understand the importance of the trends in world healthcare. The advocates of healthcare improvement, quality and equality of care have come far away from home. This is because there is no doubt the trends in healthcare industry is evolving– thanks to policy changes, organizational shifting from public to […]

Strength of Public Health Leaders

 I believed the best strength that public health leaders need for success is the imagination, action and proven qualities of understanding individuals and communities with their public health concerns. While the best way to understand individual’s public health concern is to put oneself in his or her shoes, then imagine the reality of vice versa—meaning […]

Public Health Issue-Texting while Driving

The description of an underrecognized issue in public health is the mental addiction of texting while driving. This is especially true among youngsters. This is a public health concern that requires recognition and increased awareness. Many research surveys have shown negative effects of texting while driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, (2012), […]

Intricacies Using Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)

The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) is very fascinating in its tenets for so many reasons and beneficial factors. Its inception was very familiar from the beginning– since the model was initially aimed at associating beliefs, behaviors, actions and psychological reactions. The basic concept that differentiates the TRA from other theories is how its model […]

Social Network Analysis: Transtheoretical Model (TTM): Social Learning Theory (SLT)

Social network analysis is a potentially useful reflective tool for public health practitioners to assess the overall composition of their networks; strengthen collaborations with other community partners, and evaluate network function. One of the natures of the relationship among individuals, their environments and health behaviors is the behavior exercise. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) is identified as a comprehensive model for behavior exercise. In the TTM, […]

The social cognitive theory (SCT) and its Application to Public Health

The social cognitive theory (SCT) is a type of interpersonal level approach that describes active and continues way of learning by observing others. It is grounded by many assumptions (Boston University School of Public Health, n.d.). I believed an environmental and interventional approach can be used to tackle the problem of waste scattering; it is […]

The Theory of Reasoned Action-Morbidity and Mortality

Morbidity and mortality are broad subjects consisting of many parts that make the whole. As survival rates improve with modernization and populations age, mortality measures do not give an adequate picture of a population’s health status. Indicators of morbidity such as the prevalence of chronic diseases and disabilities become more important (John Hopkins School of […]

Suicide and Mental Health in United States

Mental health problem is one of the key factors leading to an increase in suicide. Both the WHO and the UN have recommended that member states should develop national suicide– prevention programs, where possible linked to other public health policies, and that they should establish national committees to coordinate the prevention strategies (Jenkins, 2002). Suicide […]

Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI)

Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory, developed by E.M. Rogers in 1962, is one of the oldest social science theories. It originated in communication to explain how, over time, an idea or product gains momentum and diffuses (or spreads) through a specific population or social system. The end result of this diffusion is that people, as […]

Hemodialysis and Vaccination Research:

It is understood that the rate of vaccinated patients on hemodialysis is considerably lesser than the Healthy People 2020 (HP 2020) target (Glanz, Rimer & Vismanath, 2008). This study by Adams, Hall & Fulghum (2014) was aimed at utilizing the perceptions for action constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM). The study aimed at measuring […]

Health Belief Model, Expressive Writing (EW) and Breast Cancer (BC)

It is important to note that the Health Belief Model (HBM) was initiated in the early 1950s by social researchers to comprehend the lack of people’s adoption disease prevention, or screening tests for early detection of disease (Boston University School of Public Health, n.d.). Early breast cancer detection through screening mammography is the most effective […]

Health Education and Behavior Consequence

The central concern of health education is health behavior. If behaviors change but health is not subsequently enriched, the result is an inconsistency that must be resolved by examining other issues, such as the link between behavior and health status or how behavior and health (or both) are measured (Conner, Sparks, 1996). The goal of […]

The Precaution Adoption Process Model

The PAPM attempts to explain how a person comes to decisions to take action and how he or she translates that decision into action. Adoption of a new precaution or cessation of a risky behavior requires deliberate steps unlikely to occur outside of conscious awareness. It is often said that elderly women have experienced lack […]

Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM)

The application of Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) is in line with the need to implement hospital preventive programs that are designed at overcoming any related infection.  Although some hospitals and other healthcare facilities have developed extensive infection control programs to prevent nosocomial infections, these programs should focus on identifying high-risk procedures and other possible […]

The Concept of Theory

My take on the concept of theory is beyond looking at the theory itself. It is likewise looking at the education behind the theory. For example, the concept of epistemology can help us explore a theory of how human beings come to have knowledge of the world around them. It can also provide a philosophical […]

What is Contingency Theory of Management (CTM)

Contingency Theory of Management (CTM) has been used in multiple research approaches, both qualitatively and in mixed methods approach to help in understanding leadership situations and interactions between managers and employees— employers and employees. Applying the contingency theory of management requires managers to stay alert and avoid relying on rules, policies and tradition as the […]

Health Educators and The Changing Behaviors.

The role of theory is such an important matter that many health education research processes cannot be explained in a philosophical lens. Healthcare professionals and other researchers look at the theory in many forms. They see research theories as part of important aspects of analyzing the research approaches – be that as it may qualitative, […]

Transtheoretical Model versus the Health Belief Model

           In today’s society and looking at the community health intervention, community changes as a result of human behaviors can be seen as either a tool or need process. The earlier we understand the important of such a need process the faster we can tackle human behaviors in public health. Several health circumstances begun with […]

Application: Applying Theories to Global Occupational and Environmental Health—Tobacco Smoking

Abubakar Binji               Environmental hazard is an ingredient or episode, which has the possible to impend the neighboring natural location and /or adversely affect population’s health. Tobacco smoking is an example of health hazard, a part of an environmental hazards. The Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM) is a convenient framework for assessing where a person is in the […]

Diabetes, Research and Theories

           Trans-theoretical Model of Change (TMC) has its limitation on individual’s behavior of change. Additionally, this stage model may not necessarily explain significant change process on how diabetic patients can stop eating high-fatty foods leading to diabetes. This is unlike the Precaution Adoption Process Model (PAPM), which can explain design process for health promotion strategies […]

Community Health Education Theory

Most nations have their own government public health divisions. They serve the health needs of their citizens and community members by providing public health assistance. The health divisions of the federal, state or local governments are usually known as ministries of health. In the video summary of theory by Laureate Education (2009), Michael Patton explores […]

Multiple Regression in Practice-SPSS

Variables Entered/Removeda Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method 1 AGE OF RESPONDENT, HIGHEST YEAR OF SCHOOL COMPLETEDb . Enter a. Dependent Variable: R’s socioeconomic index (2010) b. All requested variables entered. Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson 1 .599a .359 .358 17.9504 1.955 a. Predictors: (Constant), […]

Afrobarometer Dataset

           Afrobarometer is an African-based research system that examines public surveys of different issues relating to and across many African nations (Afrobarometer, n.d.). Some of these issues may range from economic, governance, environmental, health and social change demography. According to the analyses from Afrobarometer dataset, we can clearly see descriptions of what each measured variables. […]

Fear of Failure Among a Sample of Jordanian Undergraduate Students: Independent Sample T-test

The article of Fear of failure among a sample of Jordanian undergraduate student (Alkhazaleh & Mahasneh, 2016) uses an independence sample t-test in determining statistical significant level of fear of failure (FoF) among students of The Hashemite University, Jordan. The authors used independence sample t-test because, in addition to finding the level of FoF, the […]

Testing for Correlation and Bivariate Regression

Correlations   Q1. Age Q46a. Level of democracy: today Q1. Age Pearson Correlation 1 .025** Sig. (2-tailed)   .000 N 51143 46659 Q46a. Level of democracy: today Pearson Correlation .025** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000   N 46659 46940 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Variables Entered/Removeda Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method […]

ANOVA, Test of Homogeneity of Variances, Multiple Comparison and SPSS Calculations.

ANOVA R’s socioeconomic index (2010)    Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 474058.682 4 118514.671 385.981 .000 Within Groups 743670.506 2422 307.048     Total 1217729.188 2426       Test of Homogeneity of Variances R’s socioeconomic index (2010)  Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 23.938 4 2422 .000 Multiple Comparisons Dependent […]

Quantitative Study on Acquired Brain Injury

It is important to first understand what an acquired brain injury is. Acquired brain injury is a type of brain impairment that happens after birth, which is not connected to an inherited or worsening disease (Powell River Brain Injury Society, n.d.). Twenty-four community college study with acquired brain injury filled out questionnaires and other standardized […]

Descriptive Research Design/Quantitative Variables

Descriptive research design helps in gathering information that will display relationships between variables without changing the environment (U.S Department of Health and Human Services: The Office of Research Integrity, n.d.). The use of independent sample t-test is an appropriate choice for a study of t-test method that compares means of two groups of cases. When […]

Statistical Significance and Null Hypothesis

Sample Problem Statement: A research paper claims a meaningful contribution to the literature based on finding statistically significant relationships between predictor and response variables. In the footnotes, you see the following statement, “given this research was exploratory in nature, traditional levels of significance to reject the null hypotheses were relaxed to the .10 level.” Post […]

Statistical Test and P-Value

A statistical test estimates how consistent an observed statistic is compared to a hypothetical population of similarly obtained statistics – known as the test, or ‘null’ distribution. The further the observed statistic diverges from that test population’s median the less compatible it is with that population, and the less probable it is that such a […]

Alpha Level of Significance

What makes significance testing a fascinating and important case for investigation is that it appears to have dispersed not because of its appropriateness in various research circumstances, but notwithstanding of it. It may certainly be the case – and I can empirically examine that an increase in the use of probability sampling refreshed the application of […]

Measuring postpartum stress- example of Dependent and Independent Variables, with e-notation

Describe how you think the research in the article is useful (e.g., what population is it helping? What problem is it solving?). Using Y=f(X) +E notation, identify the independent and dependent variables. How might the research models presented be wrong? What types of error might be present in the reported research?             Women undergo […]

Important of Quantitative Measurement in Research

Many of our today’s knowledge of facts and findings are being achieved via the burden of experimentations and making quantities or measurements. Some of the measurements done by other researchers may be called unaccepted value of error or may have missing details. However, I believed errors occur in many aspects of conducting research. For example, […]

Dissertation Oral Defense

An oral defense is an opportunity for you to demonstrate how much you know about your subject area. It is also a time for the committee to come together and, at the proposal stage, articulate their suggestions and concerns for your project. Your final oral defense is a time for the committee to “quiz” you […]

What is a dissertation committee?

A dissertation committee is a team that works together to help you complete a scholarly work – your dissertation. Teams are great because with a team you can assemble people with different areas of expertise that will result in the best work possible. Teams can be difficult because you (as the writer) may feel as […]

What (briefly) is the difference between a prospectus, a proposal and a dissertation? I’m confused

Think of your prospectus as your working paper of your idea. It is your blueprint, however, it does need full committee approval and approval from Academic Review. Your proposal is Chapters 1-3 of your dissertation. Again, this needs full committee approval and approval from Academic Review. This is the fine print of your blueprint. You […]

Writing a Dissertation

What is a Dissertation and when do I need to start thinking about mine? A dissertation is an original paper that critically evaluates and summarizes an area of research, identifies a problem (or gap in the research), proposes and then conducts an original study that aims to find solutions to this identified problem. Thus, the […]

Pearson correlation coefficient and The ANOVA Bivariate Regression

As a lay audience, it is possible to understand what it meant to be positively correlated or negatively correlated. Pearson correlation coefficient has a standard index with a range value from -1.0 to +1.0, and with 0 specifying no relationship (Laureate Education, 2016b). The closer we move to the value of 1 the stronger the […]

Confidence Intervals in Research

As its name implies, confidence intervals provide a range of values, along with a level of confidence, to serve as an estimate of some unknown population value. Since it is rare to have access to the entire population, you must frequently rely on the confidence interval of the sample to make some inference about the […]

Project Ready Smile (PRS) and Community Water Fluoridation (CWF) Program

Project Ready Smile (PRS) provides services to children in selected early childhood settings in the six targeted counties in Missouri. ECC or early childhood carriers sites agree to support the project while providing access to children.  Children were found with abscesses and tooth decay that had already spread through their mouth. PRS is an initiative […]

Data Saturation and Purposeful Sampling Strategy Part 2

I was once told that a good sample is not good in terms of size or generalizability. A good sample requires an understanding of purposeful sample strategies. Ineffectiveness in data saturation is the failure to reach saturation point that can hampers content and research validity (Fusch & Ness, 2015). Additionally, data saturation is reached when there is enough […]

Community Involvement

Community involvement is an important part of social change- whether it entails planning to engage community participants or delivering community health assessment outcomes. The purpose of Yob & Brewer (n.d) research is to explore practices of community involvement that can lead to positive social change. Community involvement can strengthen transparency and contribute to the overall […]

Literature Review

I was especially entice by how the literature review is an essential part of a research process and a key component of dissertational process. It informs what is known about a research topic and what might benefit from further exploration (Creswell, 2009). One such strategy is to understand the mechanisms, or pieces, of the dissertation and […]

HIPPA Regulations

There are regulations and exceptions involved in HIPPA in the use of partial medical records in study research (Krishna, Kelleher & Stahlberg, 2007). For instance, in the U.S, present privacy provision on the use of protected health data for research purposes under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) split medical records in 3 […]

Dissatisfaction of Care

Bouwman, R., Bomhoff, M., Robben, P., & Friele, R. (2015). Patients’ perspectives on the role of their complaints in the regulatory process. Health Expectation This research article explore the impact of dissatisfaction or complaints facing the accountability of regulators in health care.  It is important to review patient complaints in any stage of the episode of […]

Bivariate and multivariate analysis

Schoenfelder, T., Schaal, T., Klewer, J., & Kugler, J. (2014). Patient satisfaction in urology: effects of hospital characteristics, demographic data and patients’ perceptions of received care. Urology journal, 11(4), 1834. Another peer-reviewed research article is from Schoenfelder, Schaal, Klewer, & Kugler (2014). This article talks about the important factors that could be significantly associated with patient satisfaction […]

Delphi Method

As additional insight about Delphi method, there is the notion that construction engineering and management (CEM) researchers often rely on alternative research techniques when traditional methods fail. In contemporary research, the Delphi method is particularly useful when objective data are unattainable; when there is a lack of empirical evidence; experimental research is unrealistic or unethical, […]

Example of Quantitative Research Approach

As a quantitative research approach, it might be essential to look into other forms of data collection variables. A choice of correlational study using binary logistic regression is a viable option for data collection variables. However, depending on variability and how multiple the data could be, I might suggestion looking further into multiple regression.  Multiple regression […]

Qualitative Research Approach

Qualitative research approach is a study that can use narrative reporting to explain and analyses behaviors of people and the implications of their actions (Erickson, 2011). One of the reasons some researchers choose qualitative research method because it gives a holistic overview of the research’s context, and capture data on the knowledge of various participants. […]

Narrative Approach In Research Study

The narrative approach weaves together a sequence of events, usually from just one or two individuals to form a cohesive story. You conduct in-depth interviews, read documents, and look for themes; in other words, how does an individual story illustrate the larger life influences that created it. Often interviews are conducted over weeks, months, or […]

Healthcare Value-Based Purchasing (VBP)

Value-Based Purchasing is the linking of health provider payment to improved performance by health care providers. This type of payment systems account for healthcare provider both for the costs and quality of care they provider. For example, the provision of patient-centered care by safety-net hospitals (SNHs) has important implications both for patient outcomes and how […]

Health Belief Model

One of the influential and classical works I found in the use of Health Belief Model (HBM) was the understanding that the rate in vaccine patients on hemodialysis is considerably lesser than the Healthy People 2020 targets approach (Glanz, Rimer & Vismanath, 2008). The study by Adams, Hall & Fulghum (2014) focused on utilizing the […]


SERVQUAL model is a measure of service quality. SERVQUAL came into existence in the healthcare field as a result of wanting to understand people’s emotional and practical response to illness and the responsiveness of health providers and systems to their needs. This is crucial, both because it matters hugely to all users of healthcare and has […]

Steps for Annotated Bibliography

Cite your source in proper APA, MLA, or other required citation style: each of your entries will begin with a full bibliographic entry. For example:  Robertson, A. (2012). Why fairy tales are important. Psychology Today. (13)2, 210-222. Summarize the source: a summary explains the main ideas of the source. Someone else should be able to read your summary […]

Patient Satisfaction Scores

Lyu, H., Wick, E. C., Housman, M., Freischlag, J. A., & Makary, M. A. (2013). Patient satisfaction as a possible indicator of quality surgical care. JAMA surgery, 148(4), 362-367. Retrieved from      National payers proposed changing how reimbursement will be paid to participating surgical care facilities. Patient satisfaction scores were used to adjust reimbursements for surgical […]

Patient Satisfaction of Care and Other Variables

Ali & Reisel (2014) investigated the relationships between patient satisfaction of care, nurses’ job satisfaction, nurses’ job security, and obedience OCBs, within specific private hospitals in Damascus and Rural Damascus Governorates. Cross-sectional surveys were conducted to evaluate the problem statement and research topic of the relationship between patient satisfaction, nurses’ job satisfaction and other predictable […]

Safety Net Clinics As Gap Fillers

     Safety net clinics and other reduced-based clinics have long played the role as gap fillers in the provision of health services, and there will continue to be a need for such supplemental clinics to assert this role even in the aftermath of any health reform. Brook-Carthon et al. (2013) presented an article that shows […]

Research Gap on Patient Dissatisfaction of Care

 Desborough et al. (2016) provided an examination and through analysis of the relationship between detailed characteristics in general practice sceneries, nurse consultation, and patient satisfaction, which include enablement approaches. This study used mixed method approach to examine different patients’ engagements of care, from about 21 general practices in the capital of Australia. As a mixed […]

Patient Experiences of Care

Patient experiences through satisfaction of care continue to become important aspects of improving quality of care at clinics and hospitals. Similarly, these patient experiences become vital pieces of improving clinics and hospitals services through the episode of patients’ care. There are numerous hospitals and clinics that have benefitted from understanding the experiences of patients during […]

Managing Resources Effectively in Research Dissertation

The three most important arms of the so-called ‘resource management in dissertation’ are the mastering of mental focus, time factor, and human capacity (Womack, 2012). There are many effective strategies and training tools out there that help to smooth health resource management and that include daily research activities of dissertation. For example, making time table […]

Resource Management: Dissertation

The strategies for managing resources, in dissertation include 3 major steps: identification of the related resources of dissertation, extraction of the relevant resources of the dissertation, and saving, storing and referencing of the extracted resources of dissertation.  The identification of the related resources of dissertation means identifying the linked assets that could be used to […]

Research and Resource Management in Dissertation

Just like organizations, the acquisition of research tools, and resource managements (RM) are equally viable approach managing dissertation. As an alternate to the application of RM is the knowledge management system (KMS) to guide such management in dissertation. Likewise, the objective of KMS is to support structure, sharing and application of knowledge in organizations (Alavi […]

Research on faith-based programs as a way of combating or treating substance abuse cases.

In a dissertational process and when choosing a topic of interest, it is highly proven to look at literature reviews that are associated with problem statement. It is safe to say there are proven results and words of inquiries that seek to identify meaningful gap in the research literature.  The works of the faith-based programs can certainly help […]

Patient satisfaction Vs. dissatisfaction of care for service improvements:

The application of patient satisfaction survey in health care venues has been used as a quality indicator of performance evaluation, according to Sanchez-Perez, Sanchez-Fernandez, Marin-Carillo, and Gázquez-Abad (2007), yet these responses are merely an individual’s perceptions.   Additionally, research of Lee, Khong, and Ghista (2006) indicated a lack of formal understanding on how to appropriately theorize the linkage between patient satisfaction […]

Sample of Proposed Research Study

Proposed Topic “The Effect of Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its Influence on Utilization of Healthcare.” Proposed Questions 1.      Does the presence of ACA promote over utilization of healthcare that may result in increased health insurance premium? 2.      What relavant factors have the greatest impact on health care utilization? Problem Statement Some of the States in the […]

Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAI)

Hospital-acquired infections (HAI), according to the California Department of Public Health (n.d.), are infections that patients acquired throughout the episode of receiving care in a hospital or other healthcare facility. California Department of Public Health. (n.d.). Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs). Retrieved from

Literature Reviews

The literature review is an essential part of research process, and a key component of the dissertation. It informs what is known about a research topic and what might benefit from further exploration. One such strategy is to understand the components, or pieces, of the dissertation and their purposes before beginning research writing. Doing so will […]

Patient Satisfaction

Another peer-reviewed research article is Schoenfelder, Schaal, Klewer, & Kugler (2014). This article talks about the important factors that can significantly be associated with patient satisfaction in a health specialized urology and to understand the point to which such satisfaction ratings might be related or impacted to the hospitals and patients traits. The article uses […]

Historical Alignment Tool

The purpose of the Historical Alignment Tool (HAT) is to support the creation of your dissertation prospectus by documenting both the developmental evolution of and the alignment between your chosen dissertation research framework, design/methods, and possible societal implications. The HAT will provide iterative documentation of your rationale for making key research design/methodology decisions.

Some Questions Asked About Recruiting for the Interview

What are the best sources for finding participants who fit your criteria for inclusion in the sample? Recruitment will be formed by language-appropriate flyers posted in community-based organizations providing oral health care, child care, and other services. Other recruitment options will include laundromats, beauty shops, barber parlors, grocery stores, libraries, and churches. Who do you […]

Social Change, Research and Implication

Positive social change happens when individuals strongly believe they have the control to make a difference–and they take necessary measures. There are people who seek to influence positive social change by creating lasting impacts in the lives of others. I take positive social change as a moral responsibility for who has the will and means to perform such […]

Positive Social Change

I take positive social change as a moral responsibility upon whom have the will and the means to perform such duty. As a lifelong commitment to assisting and helping others in need, positive social change can enable new learning environment and the people we interact with.

Healthcare System In the United States

The costs of employing universal healthcare system in the United States is a major hindrance to its majority supports and implementation approach.  The advocates of U.S. universal healthcare system showed how it is time to take a closer look at single payer scheme, which could save billions of dollar, in turn to be used to […]

Some of the Steps in dissertation Writing

Some of the steps of writing effective dissertation include research topic, research design and methods, literature reviews, committee selections, research premise, IRB, research prospectus, conceptual framework and theoretical framework, problem statements, research objectives and research questions, et cetera. I was especially entice by how the literature review is an essential part of the research process […]

Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative data analysis commences with the onset of the data collection process and procedures. This means that your very first interview becomes the launch point for classifying codes (bits of data that have a particular meaning in the context of one’s research question), categories (groups of codes), and themes (groups of categories that share a […]

Social Constructivism and Narrative Inquiry

Sociology, communication theory, social contexts, theory of sociology and constructivism. The “meaning” of a situations or events that occurs to “understand” “conceptualize”. What is the meaning of “situations” “factors” or “knowledge problems” leading to “knowledge-policy-action solution?” Creating “stories” “narration” “understanding” in terms of the consequence leading to the creation of themes. Stories of experiences and […]

Qualitative phenomenological approach

Human science research, humanistic studies. What is the meaning, structure, and essence of the lived experience of this phenomenon for this person or group of people? What is my experience of this phenomenon and the essential experience of others who also experience this phenomenon passionately? The use of “experiences” “explore” a particular phenomenon, “understand” “perceptions” […]

Qualitative Research Matrix

What I learned about the different qualitative research methods are the differences and similarities that each concept posed. Most of the qualitative research approaches exhibit different primary source of data, disciplinary roots, sampling concepts, different focus on modelling research questions and differences in data analysis. Most of the initial words for describing different qualitative research […]

Literature Reviews

The literature review is an essential part of the research process and a key component of the dissertation. It informs what is known about a topic and what might benefit from further exploration. One such strategy is to understand the components, or pieces, of the dissertation and their purposes before beginning research writing. Doing so will […]

The Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an organizational body recognized to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects enlisted to participate in research activities conducted under the umbrellas of the institution with which it is affiliated. The purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to make certain all institutional research topics and […]

Possible Research Questions: Ethnography and Case Study

Possible Research Questions: Research on patients’ attitudes toward improving gaps and quality of care in the rural health centers (Ethnography). Research on nurses’ attitude and nature of care in the selected rural healthcare centers (Ethnography). Ethnography is a research method central to knowing the world from the standpoint of its social relations. The approach of […]


Problem 1: Too Much Unnecessary Care Overuse and unnecessary care accounts for anywhere from one-third to one-half of all health care costs, which equal hundreds of billions of dollars, in addition to the half-a-trillion per year experts attribute to lost productivity and disability. Early elective deliveries are unnecessary, according to advice by the American College of Obstetricians […]


Support groups at BID-Plymouth The Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Plymouth, 275 Sandwich St. in Plymouth (formerly the Jordan Hospital), offers numerous support groups on a regular basis. Visit or call 508-746-2000 for details. Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may […]


Quality care is providing the right care at the right time in the right place. In order to provide quality care, one needs to understand that quality care comes when each person is treated the same, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability.  Far too often, patient care fails to meet the standard […]


REPORT WORKSHEET Overview: The training was perfectly conducted in an organized manner in terms of human resources and utility services. However recommendations may be available that may improve the training outcome. Challenges though not much but have been faced during the training. Program Dates, times, venue(s) Day 1 activities: Social entrepreneurship discussion was carried out […]


A little-discussed side effect of the ObamaCare repeal effort could be losing gains that community health centers — a lifeline for the nation’s most vulnerable — have made. Republicans’ vow to gut President Obama’s signature domestic achievement has thrust all facets of the health system into uncertainty — and community health centers are no different. […]


I spent a recent afternoon reviewing some of my columns from 2012. Clearly the biggest issue facing all healthcare providers, both rural and urban, this year 2013 and into the next decade or longer is the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. There are still a lot of questions about the rollout, particularly as […]