Health Without Gaps continues to support our vulnerable population.

United States Healthcare System

There are many advocates of U.S healthcare system, in terms of historical and quality delivery of care. For example, some advocates of healthcare improvement, quality and equality of care have come far away from home. This is because there is no doubt the trends in U.S. healthcare industry is evolving, and thanks to policy changes, […]

Quality of Care and the United States Healthcare Spending

Addressing the quality of care in today’s era of health care reform is neither a top-down nor bottom-up approach alone.  This is because successful implementation of any health care reform law will be contingent on the ability of all participating parties ( ie. federal government, the states, health care payers, hospitals, industry, medical societies, physicians, […]

Governing Boards in Healthcare Foundations and Community of Practice (CoP)

The effective governing boards share long term vision and safeguard the interest of the shareholders, healthcare organizations. For example, the roles of the effective governing board of directors, in publicly held companies is governed in part by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and is designed to serve as a benchmark for management to protect shareholders. […]

United States Healthcare System and Financing

In terms of the complexity in US healthcare system, it is by no surprise that multiple players maintain key roles and face distinct challenges in the provision of care. These challenges range from financing and technological issues facing health facilities to supply and educational challenges facing providers.  There is the role-shifting of government toward health […]

Trust in Healthcare Administration and What is Ethical?

There are three critical issues in establishing trust between healthcare administration and doctors; Communication, Respect and Awareness. Communication is critical and needs to be established early in the administration to physician relationship. Administrators need to find out what the physicians need and how the administrators can meet those needs. The approach and delivery of communication […]

Leadership in Healthcare and Information Accessibility

Northouse defined and described leadership as “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.”  Although before he defined leadership, he admitted the notion that there are many ways to define leadership and its roles in healthcare sector. Leadership can be defined as an act of stepping-up and impacting […]

Healthy Skepticism

Healthy skepticism for the purpose of this paper is the willingness to logically test anything that one considers as “true”, and being inclined to test new information before one accepts it as “true”. Correspondingly, healthy skepticism also includes refusing to condemn something as false unless it can be proven as false. Someone with healthy skepticism […]

Marketing in Healthcare

Healthcare marketing is the introduction and improvement of healthcare management. Healthcare management is different and unique than any other industry management. This is because certain things need to be looked at such as the patients’ confidentiality. A doctor can be sued for millions of dollars if he appears to violate the confidentiality and privacy terms […]

A Driller fined for water contamination in PA-Generalization and Utility Tests

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PDEP) has fined Catalyst Energy incorporation in the amount of $185,000. The PDEP has proved that, based on their unswerving water samples, Catalyst Energy (CE) has contaminated water supplies near its oil and gas well operations in Forest, McKean and Warren counties. Therefore, unless CE can prove otherwise, they […]

Disparities in Healthcare- The race for race

“Decreasing racial disparities will require addressing nonfinancial barriers to accessing health care such as, the cultural and linguistic competency of health providers and institutions, the lack of health care providers where minority groups reside, both intentional and unintentional discrimination-within the health care system, and perception of discrimination on the part of members of various racial […]