The Power of Health and Science

The philosophy of science can be compared and exemplified with an innovation toward the science of healthcare. This is particularly important in many science-researched articles that explore the innovation and industry competition. For example, there has been a vital historical debate about and on the role and impact of competition on healthcare innovative activities in […]

Malawi and Ghana—Healthcare Review

Ghana (World Health Organization, n.d.): Total population (2013) 25,905,000 Gross national income per capita (PPP international $, 2013) 3 Life expectancy at birth m/f (years, 2013) 62/64 Probability of dying under five (per 1 000 live births, 0) not available Probability of dying between 15 and 60 years m/f (per 1 000 population, 2013) 261/222 […]

Healthcare in Africa

It is in our belief that global health matters to Americans and the world at large. This is for reasons that may not be directly understood, but there are nevertheless very real explanations and proof to the essential of global health issues in disease. For example, rising incidences of diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria, and TB […]

Healthcare, History and South Africa

South Africa still struggles with complexity of apartheid that existed for decades. I will like to particularly comment on the issues and problems of South Africa. Firstly, I have personally been to South Africa in numerous times.  A friend of mine use to work with UN in Cape Town. And honestly speaking, Cape Town is […]

Russian Healthcare—Brief Overview

When comparing two societies that have the same level of average income, the society with a more democratic distribution may have healthier people living in it than the society with a higher level of inequality. I believed this became the case in the Russian post-transitional level and in terms of changes in mortality and quality […]

Healthcare systems in Slovenia and Finland. Can We Learn Anything?

  Health care in Slovenia is a public service provided through public health service network. Unlike the U.S., this network includes, on an equal basis, other institutions, private physicians, and other private service providers based on enterprises (WHO, 2011). With relatively limited public funds available for this purpose, the level of health care in Slovenia […]

Comments: The French Healthcare System vs United States

Health care in France is characterized by a national programme of social health insurance (NHI), managed almost entirely by the state and publicly financed through employee and employer payroll contributions and earmarked taxes. In comparing with the U.S. health system, I think government, both in the federal and state levels’ provisions to health legislations, health […]

Homelessness in Developed Countries and Limited Access to Health Services

There are many negative effects of homelessness in communities of nations. This issue should be urgent and requires national interests, community advocates, international attention but most importantly access to safe, affordable housing to maintain living stability. There are many communities outside the U.S. that experience greater impact on homelessness, though some U.S.  cities are among […]

Health Inequality and Inequity in Developed Nations

There is an important article that furthered the discussion of health inequality and inequity. I think there is an issue of an unexplained idea of health inequality in today’s society. This is because accurate measurement of health inequities is indispensable to track progress or to identify needs for health equity policy interventions, (Yukiko, Hurley, Norheim & Johri, 2015).  According […]