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Grounded Theory, a Form of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research approach is a study that uses narrative reporting to explain and analyses behaviors of people and the implications of their actions (Erickson, 2011). It is equally important to say that qualitative research double-cuts the humanities, and the social and physical sciences (Denzin & Lincoln, 2013). The judgment in which qualitative research was based […]

Sample of Proposed Research Study

Proposed Topic “The Effect of Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its Influence on Utilization of Healthcare.” Proposed Questions 1.      Does the presence of ACA promote over utilization of healthcare that may result in increased health insurance premium? 2.      What relavant factors have the greatest impact on health care utilization? Problem Statement Some of the States in the […]

Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAI)

Hospital-acquired infections (HAI), according to the California Department of Public Health (n.d.), are infections that patients acquired throughout the episode of receiving care in a hospital or other healthcare facility. California Department of Public Health. (n.d.). Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs). Retrieved from

Literature Reviews

The literature review is an essential part of research process, and a key component of the dissertation. It informs what is known about a research topic and what might benefit from further exploration. One such strategy is to understand the components, or pieces, of the dissertation and their purposes before beginning research writing. Doing so will […]

Data Saturation

A major strategy of improving data saturation is making sure the recruited units for sampling have achieved saturation point (Patton, 2015). Likewise, this process means reaching a point in which all the relevant data of the research analysis have been obtained. For example, the recruited sample of patients with Alzheimer dementia have reached a basis […]

The Premise, the Prospectus, and Proposal in the Dissertation Process

        It is highly important to analyze the relationships, differences and commonalities that exist between the Premise, the Prospectus and the Proposal of a dissertation process. It is necessary to develop the three pieces of dissertation process. This is because of their unique characteristics and distinct qualities. The Prospectus of a dissertation is simply a […]

Patient Satisfaction

Another peer-reviewed research article is Schoenfelder, Schaal, Klewer, & Kugler (2014). This article talks about the important factors that can significantly be associated with patient satisfaction in a health specialized urology and to understand the point to which such satisfaction ratings might be related or impacted to the hospitals and patients traits. The article uses […]

Historical Alignment Tool

The purpose of the Historical Alignment Tool (HAT) is to support the creation of your dissertation prospectus by documenting both the developmental evolution of and the alignment between your chosen dissertation research framework, design/methods, and possible societal implications. The HAT will provide iterative documentation of your rationale for making key research design/methodology decisions.