Health Without Gaps continues to support our vulnerable population.

Health and Safety Net Hospitals

There are numerous hospitals and clinics that have benefitted from understanding the experiences of patients during and after the episode of their care. Additionally, safety net clinics play a significant role in different communities. By providing free and subsidized health services, low income residents can better access care at their fingertips. Bouwman, Bomhoff, Robben, & […]

Some Questions Asked About Recruiting for the Interview

What are the best sources for finding participants who fit your criteria for inclusion in the sample? Recruitment will be formed by language-appropriate flyers posted in community-based organizations providing oral health care, child care, and other services. Other recruitment options will include laundromats, beauty shops, barber parlors, grocery stores, libraries, and churches. Who do you […]

Quality of Healthcare in Community Health Centers

            It has become very important in healthcare environments, especially of community health centers to approach patients as consumers of health services, while answering their complaints and comments (Frosch & Elwyn, 2014). Patient dissatisfaction and satisfaction of care should be echoed as important outputs of any country’s sound healthcare system (Lyu, Wick, Housman & Freishlag […]

Social Change, Research and Implication

Positive social change happens when individuals strongly believe they have the control to make a difference–and they take necessary measures. There are people who seek to influence positive social change by creating lasting impacts in the lives of others. I take positive social change as a moral responsibility for who has the will and means to perform such […]

Positive Social Change

I take positive social change as a moral responsibility upon whom have the will and the means to perform such duty. As a lifelong commitment to assisting and helping others in need, positive social change can enable new learning environment and the people we interact with.

Dependability and Coding Analysis in Qualitative Interview Process

Qualitative interview process seeks to involve the contestant, inspiring him or her to deliver clear and valuable information. Some of the questions of best research practices has to do with how to consistently collect clear and valid data; application of trustworthiness, credibility, confirmability, and being able to be an effective scientists and a researcher.      […]

Mortality Rates and Social Change

I believed Douglas and Clay counties in Georgia State of the US posed greater challenge in fighting the problem of African Americans’ infant mortality among age group 16 – 20 (Georgia Department of Public Health, n.d.).  In terms of comparing infant mortality rate between African Americans and white persons, there seemed to display incomparable dissimilarity. […]

Community Outreach and Social Change

I believed community outreach is a form of social change for health sustainability in many parts of the developing world. Public health education supports the values held within the public health sector. For example, according to World Health Organization, education is another social factor (i.e. contributive factor) of health sustainability in Philippines, and perhaps the […]