Health Without Gaps continues to support our vulnerable population.

Culture and Health Policy Development

               It is possible for health policies to fail due to cultural factors. This is because when looking at the anthropological history of United States (US) and the world at large, we can see how according to Campbell (2011), that even attempting to comprehend disease etiology among certain population, public health experts often use […]

Applying Evidence-Based Solutions to the Study of Diabetes in Manila, Philippines.

       The impact of a cardiovascular health awareness program (CHAP) on decreasing blood pressure is one that emphasize on cohort study. The one evidence-based solution I might use to address public health problem of diabetes in Manila is the use and impact of cardiovascular health awareness program (CHAP) on reducing blood pressure — a cohort […]

Health Disparity: Chinese and Indian Healthcare System

 Comprehending the impacts and effects of different health outcomes in relative terms, and between some countries, are vital in considering the reasons for the disparities and health needs of a country. China and India have had dramatic changes in economic growth, population and health. The two world superpowers have attracted much needed global attention in […]

Describe a sampling of problems resulting in physician liability

The viability of any negligence claim, including a medical negligence claim, is predicated on the defendant’s duty to exercise reasonable care. In a medical negligence claim, this duty arises out of the physician-patient relationship. Sample of problems and practices resulting in physician liability include the physician’s use of an unprecedented procedure that results in patient’s […]

Describe a sample of problems resulting in nursing liability

Example or specimen of problems and practices resulting in nursing liability include improper and/or inappropriate administration of medications; negligent injections; failure to follow a physician’s orders; departure from acceptable practices; burns; infections; inappropriate care of the patient; inappropriate delay in treatment; failure to follow medical and clinical instructions; failure to follow vital signs and symptoms; […]

Differences in court opinions concerning liability for foreign objects left inside of patients during operations.

The liability of foreign objects left inside of patients during operations depends on court opinions on whether the sole responsibility of the operating instruments are for the job responsibility of either the operating room personnel or the physicians or both. The responsibility of accounting for sponges, instruments and other foreign matters may lie with both […]

Nurse’s responsibility when there is disagreement with a physician order.

When there is a disagreement with a physician’s order, a nurse should not be negligent on its medical practice. A nurse should be responsible for making complete inquiry about the accuracy and uncertainty of a physician order, in a patient’s record. For example, in the case of Louisiana of Norton vs. Argonout Insurance Co., the […]

Quality Improvement (QI) and Statistical Process Control (SPC) in Healthcare Improvement

Quality improvement (QI) practices represent a leading approach to the essential, and often challenging, task of managing organizational change. Statistical process control (SPC) is, in turn, a key approach to QI. SPC was developed in the 1920s by the physicist Walter Shewhart to improve industrial manufacturing. It migrated to healthcare, first in laboratory settings (eg, […]

Criminal Law in Healthcare: Criminal prosecution for activities carried out during the delivery of health care where no evil has been alleged?

The conditions under which healthcare providers maybe prosecuted under criminal laws are the provision of false claims; False Claims Act of 1986 prohibits knowingly presenting or causing to be presented to the government a false claim or false records or statements for payment of benefits or defrauds the government by getting a false claim allowed […]

theories of liability under which a hospital corporation can be held accountable for the actions of A) an employed physician, B) a contracted physician (e.g., Radiologist, Pathologist, or ER Physician), or C) a member of the medical staff not otherwise under contract to the hospital.

If a physician is employed by the hospital, the hospital can be held vicariously liable for the physician’s negligence. The plaintiff must show that the physician was employed by the hospital at the time of the alleged negligence and that the negligence occurred within the scope of the physician’s employment with the hospital. A negligent […]