Health Without Gaps continues to support our vulnerable population.

Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAI)

Hospital-acquired infections (HAI), according to the California Department of Public Health (n.d.), are infections that patients acquired throughout the episode of receiving care in a hospital or other healthcare facility. California Department of Public Health. (n.d.). Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs). Retrieved from

Literature Reviews

The literature review is an essential part of research process, and a key component of the dissertation. It informs what is known about a research topic and what might benefit from further exploration. One such strategy is to understand the components, or pieces, of the dissertation and their purposes before beginning research writing. Doing so will […]

Important Of Community Water Fluoridation Program (CWF)

Community Water Fluoridation is a county initiative that has not been widely known by local residents and not all communities do have their tape water fluoridated to a level required to prevent dental caries. Again, not all states participate in CDC’s My Water’s Fluoride program. Fluoride in water is the most efficient way to prevent one of the […]