Healthcare Disparities in the United State Healthcare Industry

It is our understanding that eradicating healthcare disparities is culturally, politically, and has been traditionally thought-provoking due in part of it causes and reasons that are tangled with a belligerent history of race and gender in the American account. However, to a growing citizenry base, there is need to guarantee countless fairness and accountability of […]

Building a New Hospital System and Hypothetical Questions of Concern for the Existing One.

What are some of the things you would do to attract new patients and create interest in others considering the alliance to follow with your direction?   Building and maintaining strong patient-centered services and differentiated service brand that will identify the alliance. Solidifying and leveraging physician relationships to patient services. Increasing and finding ways to […]

Research Articles-Health Problems and effects of hospital acquired infections in improving patients’ quality of care in Africa

Nejad, S. B., Allegranzi, B., Syed, S. B., Ellis, B., & Pittet, D. (2011). Health-care-associated infection in Africa: a systematic review. Bulletin Of The World Health Organization, 89(10), 757-765. doi:10.2471/BLT.11.088179           The article by Nejad, Allegranzi, Syed, Ellis & Pittet (2011) aimed at assessing the epidemiological approach of healthcare related infection in Africa.  Three best, scholarly […]

Epidemiology and Legislative Health Policies

Physicians who take a patient-centered orientation, attitude are more likely to treat patients like close associates and assist them in making informed choices among several options. This technique has been linked with a range of helpful outcomes, such as keen patient satisfaction, better adherence, and improved health outcomes. In terms of legislative health policy implementation, […]

Applying Evidence-Based Solutions to the Study of Diabetes in Manila, Philippines.

       The impact of a cardiovascular health awareness program (CHAP) on decreasing blood pressure is one that emphasize on cohort study. The one evidence-based solution I might use to address public health problem of diabetes in Manila is the use and impact of cardiovascular health awareness program (CHAP) on reducing blood pressure — a cohort […]

Discuss the deliberate effect of computerized warning systems on adverse drug events.

Computerized warning systems can be used to prevent ADEs. Serious ADEs occur in about 7 percent of patients admitted to hospitals. Many of these are caused by a physician prescribing either the wrong drug or the wrong dosage, because of lack of knowledge of either the patients or the drug. In 1994, a computerized warning […]

What roles can computers play in the field of public health? Include in your answer considerations of epidemics, pandemics, and syndromic surveillance.

Development of effective public health information systems requires understanding of public health informatics (PHI), the systematic application of information and computer science and technology to public health practice, research, and learning. PHI is well-known from other informatics specialties by its focus on deterrence in populations, use of a wide range of interventions to achieve its […]

Describe the underlying technology of telemedicine and discuss three examples of its application.

Telemedicine is defined as a form of medical application/technology that uses computers and telecommunication equipment to bring about medical care at a distance. Telemedicine incorporates many subspecialties of medicine including radiology, pathology, oncology, ophthalmology, cardiology, neurology, dermatology, and psychiatry. Telemedicine remains to expand among the prison population; progressively used in prisons. It can also melodramatically […]