Health care involves a diverse set of public and private data collection systems, including health surveys, administrative enrollment and billing records, and medical records, used by various entities, including hospitals, CHCs, physicians, and health plans.
Bouwman, R., Bomhoff, M., Robben, P., & Friele, R. (2015). Patients’ perspectives on the role of their complaints in the regulatory process. Health Expectation This research article explore the impact of dissatisfaction or complaints facing the accountability of regulators in health care. It is important to review patient complaints in any stage of the episode of […]
Schoenfelder, T., Schaal, T., Klewer, J., & Kugler, J. (2014). Patient satisfaction in urology: effects of hospital characteristics, demographic data and patients’ perceptions of received care. Urology journal, 11(4), 1834. Another peer-reviewed research article is from Schoenfelder, Schaal, Klewer, & Kugler (2014). This article talks about the important factors that could be significantly associated with patient satisfaction […]
As additional insight about Delphi method, there is the notion that construction engineering and management (CEM) researchers often rely on alternative research techniques when traditional methods fail. In contemporary research, the Delphi method is particularly useful when objective data are unattainable; when there is a lack of empirical evidence; experimental research is unrealistic or unethical, […]
As a quantitative research approach, it might be essential to look into other forms of data collection variables. A choice of correlational study using binary logistic regression is a viable option for data collection variables. However, depending on variability and how multiple the data could be, I might suggestion looking further into multiple regression. Multiple regression […]
One of the most important quality dimensions and key success indicators in health care is patient satisfaction. One way to measure patient satisfaction is by determining the gap that appears between patients’ expectations and perceptions about services delivered.
Qualitative research approach is a study that can use narrative reporting to explain and analyses behaviors of people and the implications of their actions (Erickson, 2011). One of the reasons some researchers choose qualitative research method because it gives a holistic overview of the research’s context, and capture data on the knowledge of various participants. […]
The narrative approach weaves together a sequence of events, usually from just one or two individuals to form a cohesive story. You conduct in-depth interviews, read documents, and look for themes; in other words, how does an individual story illustrate the larger life influences that created it. Often interviews are conducted over weeks, months, or […]
Value-Based Purchasing is the linking of health provider payment to improved performance by health care providers. This type of payment systems account for healthcare provider both for the costs and quality of care they provider. For example, the provision of patient-centered care by safety-net hospitals (SNHs) has important implications both for patient outcomes and how […]
One of the influential and classical works I found in the use of Health Belief Model (HBM) was the understanding that the rate in vaccine patients on hemodialysis is considerably lesser than the Healthy People 2020 targets approach (Glanz, Rimer & Vismanath, 2008). The study by Adams, Hall & Fulghum (2014) focused on utilizing the […]