Health Without Gaps continues to support our vulnerable population.

Russian Healthcare—Brief Overview

When comparing two societies that have the same level of average income, the society with a more democratic distribution may have healthier people living in it than the society with a higher level of inequality. I believed this became the case in the Russian post-transitional level and in terms of changes in mortality and quality […]

Healthcare systems in Slovenia and Finland. Can We Learn Anything?

  Health care in Slovenia is a public service provided through public health service network. Unlike the U.S., this network includes, on an equal basis, other institutions, private physicians, and other private service providers based on enterprises (WHO, 2011). With relatively limited public funds available for this purpose, the level of health care in Slovenia […]

Comments: The French Healthcare System vs United States

Health care in France is characterized by a national programme of social health insurance (NHI), managed almost entirely by the state and publicly financed through employee and employer payroll contributions and earmarked taxes. In comparing with the U.S. health system, I think government, both in the federal and state levels’ provisions to health legislations, health […]

Inclusive Restructure of public health policies in Philippines: Robust overview of needed public health changes that are culturally supportive in the communities of Philippines

             It is sad to say that families in Philippines (especially the poor) have been subjected to limited access of prenatal care, safe pregnant delivery, family planning and pregnant vaccinations. Thus, post great threat to the quality of care, standard of living and the life expectancy of Filipinos. Citizens lack modern clinical infrastructures due to […]

Cultural Diversity in the U.S. Healthcare

      United States has continually to become more diverse demographically, with racial and ethnic minorities, predictable to become most of the U.S. population by 2042. A culturally competent system of care acknowledges and incorporates–at all levels–the importance of culture and ethics, the assessment of cross-cultural relations, vigilance towards the dynamics that result from cultural differences, […]

Epidemiology and Legislative Health Policies

Physicians who take a patient-centered orientation, attitude are more likely to treat patients like close associates and assist them in making informed choices among several options. This technique has been linked with a range of helpful outcomes, such as keen patient satisfaction, better adherence, and improved health outcomes. In terms of legislative health policy implementation, […]

Application: Exposing the Gaps—How Does the United States Compare in Key Determinants of Health?

            As many people said, addressing the quality of care in today’s era of health reform is neither a top-down nor bottom-up method.  This is because successful implementation of any health care reform law will be contingent on the ability of all partaking parties ( ie. federal government, the states, health care payers, hospitals, […]

Health care related duty to warn. A discussion of the Learned Intermediary doctrine.

Healthcare professionals should warn patients of the adverse effects of surgery, the used of medical equipment, prescription drugs and other related dangers that will harm and affect the functionality of the patient. Healthcare related duty to warn can be applied to manufacturers and producers of food and medicine products and/or medical equipment, with negative effects […]

Underlying Ethical and Legal Principles Involved with sexual activity involving provider/patient and employee/employer

Healthcare organizations, providers, employers, are always expected to ethically and legally follow set of rules and procedures in making sure they practice the right practice of medicine in providing quality care for the patients. Healthcare professionals are required to observe to the prevalent standards of care required within their professions. For example, a nurse’s sexual […]