REPORT WORKSHEET Overview: The training was perfectly conducted in an organized manner in terms of human resources and utility services. However recommendations may be available that may improve the training outcome. Challenges though not much but have been faced during the training. Program Dates, times, venue(s) Day 1 activities: Social entrepreneurship discussion was carried out […]

Potential Challenges a public health professional may face when collecting qualitative data for community health assessment

The collection of primary and secondary qualitative data can only be in the form of words, images, texts, et cetera, not in the manner of numbers and/or specific measurement.  If community data may not be collected in a form of numbers, using formula or specific measurement, then the resulted data (i.e. qualitative data) may not […]

Affordable Care Act (ACA)

One of the preventive benefits that ACA covers is the idea of controlling weight—obesity. Some insurance companies have helped obese patients fight fat for years. They’ve offered weight-loss and wellness programs at businesses, schools and in communities. Some have paid for prescription obesity medications and even covered expensive bariatric surgeries, including gastric bypass. But now, […]

Public-Private Health Partnership

Introduction: I prefer to write on public-private partnership in healthcare because of its enormous benefits in the healthcare communities. Healthcare partnership allows multiple or diverse groups of healthcare communities to work together, in a common prospect and ideology (Sasenick ,1994). Accordingly, Sasenick(1994) further mentioned that both the state and the private healthcare communities could partners […]

Theory in Research and Literature Reviews

Theory is very important in analyzing research approach, be it maybe qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed research methods. Without the application of theory, research quality maybe undercut. There is a long tradition within qualitative research of theory being central and of critical importance. Qualitative research theory often equates with the methodologies used, but this is a complex relationship, plagued by lack of consensus among scholars […]

The Power of Health and Science

The philosophy of science can be compared and exemplified with an innovation toward the science of healthcare. This is particularly important in many science-researched articles that explore the innovation and industry competition. For example, there has been a vital historical debate about and on the role and impact of competition on healthcare innovative activities in […]

Malawi and Ghana—Healthcare Review

Ghana (World Health Organization, n.d.): Total population (2013) 25,905,000 Gross national income per capita (PPP international $, 2013) 3 Life expectancy at birth m/f (years, 2013) 62/64 Probability of dying under five (per 1 000 live births, 0) not available Probability of dying between 15 and 60 years m/f (per 1 000 population, 2013) 261/222 […]

Healthcare in Africa

It is in our belief that global health matters to Americans and the world at large. This is for reasons that may not be directly understood, but there are nevertheless very real explanations and proof to the essential of global health issues in disease. For example, rising incidences of diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria, and TB […]

Healthcare, History and South Africa

South Africa still struggles with complexity of apartheid that existed for decades. I will like to particularly comment on the issues and problems of South Africa. Firstly, I have personally been to South Africa in numerous times.  A friend of mine use to work with UN in Cape Town. And honestly speaking, Cape Town is […]

Healthcare systems in Slovenia and Finland. Can We Learn Anything?

  Health care in Slovenia is a public service provided through public health service network. Unlike the U.S., this network includes, on an equal basis, other institutions, private physicians, and other private service providers based on enterprises (WHO, 2011). With relatively limited public funds available for this purpose, the level of health care in Slovenia […]