Comments: The French Healthcare System vs United States

Health care in France is characterized by a national programme of social health insurance (NHI), managed almost entirely by the state and publicly financed through employee and employer payroll contributions and earmarked taxes. In comparing with the U.S. health system, I think government, both in the federal and state levels’ provisions to health legislations, health […]

Homelessness in Developed Countries and Limited Access to Health Services

There are many negative effects of homelessness in communities of nations. This issue should be urgent and requires national interests, community advocates, international attention but most importantly access to safe, affordable housing to maintain living stability. There are many communities outside the U.S. that experience greater impact on homelessness, though some U.S.  cities are among […]

Health Inequality and Inequity in Developed Nations

There is an important article that furthered the discussion of health inequality and inequity. I think there is an issue of an unexplained idea of health inequality in today’s society. This is because accurate measurement of health inequities is indispensable to track progress or to identify needs for health equity policy interventions, (Yukiko, Hurley, Norheim & Johri, 2015).  According […]

Healthcare Disparities in the United State Healthcare Industry

It is our understanding that eradicating healthcare disparities is culturally, politically, and has been traditionally thought-provoking due in part of it causes and reasons that are tangled with a belligerent history of race and gender in the American account. However, to a growing citizenry base, there is need to guarantee countless fairness and accountability of […]

Building a New Hospital System and Hypothetical Questions of Concern for the Existing One.

What are some of the things you would do to attract new patients and create interest in others considering the alliance to follow with your direction?   Building and maintaining strong patient-centered services and differentiated service brand that will identify the alliance. Solidifying and leveraging physician relationships to patient services. Increasing and finding ways to […]

Inclusive Restructure of public health policies in Philippines: Robust overview of needed public health changes that are culturally supportive in the communities of Philippines

             It is sad to say that families in Philippines (especially the poor) have been subjected to limited access of prenatal care, safe pregnant delivery, family planning and pregnant vaccinations. Thus, post great threat to the quality of care, standard of living and the life expectancy of Filipinos. Citizens lack modern clinical infrastructures due to […]

EMTALA action vs. Malpractice Action

EMTALA action differ from a malpractice action in the sense that it requires that a Medicare-provider hospital offer an appropriate medical screening examination to determine whether an emergency medical condition exists for any individual who presents to the emergency department seeking treatment. Any violation to the said requirement is a ground for claim of action. […]

Affordable Care Act (ACA), and Hypothetical Financial Ratios in Health Systems

Financial statements shade a picture of financial health of an organization. Important parts of the financial statement of a health care organization are ratios. Analysis of ratios show how two numbers relate or compare to one another. Ratios are a way for organizations to make assessment. These comparisons not only encompass what is happening presently […]

Provider Participation in Healthcare Benefits

Early evidence on primary care models has shown is promising outcomes. The patient-centered medical home pilot test at Geisinger Health System reduced hospitalization by 20 percent and overall cost trends by 7 percent in its first year (Paulus, R.A., Davis, K., and Steele, G.D., 2008). The North Carolina Community Care Model (NCCCM) of medical homes […]