Health Without Gaps continues to support our vulnerable population.

Patient Satisfaction Scores

Lyu, H., Wick, E. C., Housman, M., Freischlag, J. A., & Makary, M. A. (2013). Patient satisfaction as a possible indicator of quality surgical care. JAMA surgery, 148(4), 362-367. Retrieved from      National payers proposed changing how reimbursement will be paid to participating surgical care facilities. Patient satisfaction scores were used to adjust reimbursements for surgical […]

Patient Satisfaction of Care and Other Variables

Ali & Reisel (2014) investigated the relationships between patient satisfaction of care, nurses’ job satisfaction, nurses’ job security, and obedience OCBs, within specific private hospitals in Damascus and Rural Damascus Governorates. Cross-sectional surveys were conducted to evaluate the problem statement and research topic of the relationship between patient satisfaction, nurses’ job satisfaction and other predictable […]

Safety Net Clinics As Gap Fillers

     Safety net clinics and other reduced-based clinics have long played the role as gap fillers in the provision of health services, and there will continue to be a need for such supplemental clinics to assert this role even in the aftermath of any health reform. Brook-Carthon et al. (2013) presented an article that shows […]

Research Gap on Patient Dissatisfaction of Care

 Desborough et al. (2016) provided an examination and through analysis of the relationship between detailed characteristics in general practice sceneries, nurse consultation, and patient satisfaction, which include enablement approaches. This study used mixed method approach to examine different patients’ engagements of care, from about 21 general practices in the capital of Australia. As a mixed […]

Patient Experiences of Care

Patient experiences through satisfaction of care continue to become important aspects of improving quality of care at clinics and hospitals. Similarly, these patient experiences become vital pieces of improving clinics and hospitals services through the episode of patients’ care. There are numerous hospitals and clinics that have benefitted from understanding the experiences of patients during […]

Managing Resources Effectively in Research Dissertation

The three most important arms of the so-called ‘resource management in dissertation’ are the mastering of mental focus, time factor, and human capacity (Womack, 2012). There are many effective strategies and training tools out there that help to smooth health resource management and that include daily research activities of dissertation. For example, making time table […]

Resource Management: Dissertation

The strategies for managing resources, in dissertation include 3 major steps: identification of the related resources of dissertation, extraction of the relevant resources of the dissertation, and saving, storing and referencing of the extracted resources of dissertation.  The identification of the related resources of dissertation means identifying the linked assets that could be used to […]

Research and Resource Management in Dissertation

Just like organizations, the acquisition of research tools, and resource managements (RM) are equally viable approach managing dissertation. As an alternate to the application of RM is the knowledge management system (KMS) to guide such management in dissertation. Likewise, the objective of KMS is to support structure, sharing and application of knowledge in organizations (Alavi […]

Research on faith-based programs as a way of combating or treating substance abuse cases.

In a dissertational process and when choosing a topic of interest, it is highly proven to look at literature reviews that are associated with problem statement. It is safe to say there are proven results and words of inquiries that seek to identify meaningful gap in the research literature.  The works of the faith-based programs can certainly help […]