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Qualitative Data Analysis Software, and Coding in Qualitative Research Approach

Some of the unique key elements of data analysis that are consistent to the some qualitative research approach include, sampling strategy specific to the study of interest, mode of recruitment for the participants, participants eligibility to participate, format of the participants interviews, permission to recollection, choosing settings for the interviews, data transcription and types of […]

Qualitative Research Matrix

What I learned about the different qualitative research methods are the differences and similarities that each concept posed. Most of the qualitative research approaches exhibit different primary source of data, disciplinary roots, sampling concepts, different focus on modelling research questions and differences in data analysis. Most of the initial words for describing different qualitative research […]

Example of Qualitative Phenomenological Study

The phenomenon of interest is the growing concerns of on lack of patient participation in Patient Satisfaction Survey (PSS). This phenomenological study seeks to understand a particular phenomenon in question (Creswell, & Poth, 2017).  Semi-structured interview with open-ended questions can be utilized as part of data analysis.  A study of phenomenology is one that seeks […]

Literature Reviews

The literature review is an essential part of the research process and a key component of the dissertation. It informs what is known about a topic and what might benefit from further exploration. One such strategy is to understand the components, or pieces, of the dissertation and their purposes before beginning research writing. Doing so will […]

Qualitative Research Methods

             In Creswell (2009), qualitative research method deals with research dimensions and methodologies, such as ethnography, grounded theory, case studies, phenomenological research, and narrative research. The article by Mako, Svanang & Bjersa (2016) used grounded theory to explain patients’ views and perceptions in surgical care practice, and how these patients have said to report anxiety […]

Possible Research Questions: Ethnography and Case Study

Possible Research Questions: Research on patients’ attitudes toward improving gaps and quality of care in the rural health centers (Ethnography). Research on nurses’ attitude and nature of care in the selected rural healthcare centers (Ethnography). Ethnography is a research method central to knowing the world from the standpoint of its social relations. The approach of […]

Purpose Statement Vs Problem Statement

Typically, a purpose statement comes out of a problem statement.  The problem statement lays out the problem and the purpose statement outlines what you as a researcher intend to do to study the problem. Let’s say that you are a social scientist and you want to study the negative campaign ads in elections.  Your problem […]

What Makes a Good Research Question?

     A good qualitative research question is concise, clear and critically recapitulate the topic of the research. The process of research question is the guiding substance of any research project, and especially in dissertation. For example, understanding the types of quantitative research question (i.e., descriptive, comparative and/or relationship) you want to answer is your first […]

Qualitative Participatory Research

Qualitative participatory research approach is an important interactive research for learning action processes. Participatory Action Research (PAR) is a qualitative research methodology option that requires further understanding and consideration. PAR is considered democratic, equitable, liberating, and life-enhancing qualitative inquiry that remains distinct from other qualitative methodologies (Kemmis & McTaggaet, 2003). PAR can explain how qualitative […]

Healthcare Implementation Strategy

Evidence on how to implement new interventions into complex healthcare environments is often poorly reported and indexed, reducing its prospective to inform initiatives to improve healthcare services. We can look into employing healthcare strategy formulation that is effective and patient-centered approaches in medical facilities. For example, this form of healthcare formulation allows care managers of […]

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