Health Without Gaps continues to support our vulnerable population.

Multiple Regression in Practice

Climate changes have many concerns and effects in our today’s environment. This has brought about the need to review climate change implications on our environments (Zakar, Zakar & Fischer, 2012). Climate change has direct and indirect influences on human security. As a consequence, deterioration of health may occur from climate change due to carbon dioxide […]

Quantitative Variable Calculation

Case Processing Summary   Cases Valid Missing Total N Percent N Percent N Percent Q42. Extent of democracy * Q3a. Country’s present economic condition 47543 92.2% 4044 7.8% 51587 100.0% Q42. Extent of democracy * Q3a. Country’s present economic condition Crosstabulation   Q3a. Country’s present economic condition Total Very Bad Fairly bad Neither good nor […]

Testing for Bivariate Categorical Analysis

Case Processing Summary   Cases Valid Missing Total N Percent N Percent N Percent Q59h. Trust police * Democracy (dichotomous) 47429 91.9% 4158 8.1% 51587 100.0% Q59h. Trust police * Democracy (dichotomous) Crosstabulation   Democracy (dichotomous) Total Not a Democracy Democracy Q59h. Trust police Not at all Count 2143 8516 10659 % within Democracy (dichotomous) […]

Example of Quantitative Research Calculations: Metric Variable of Number of Adults in Household

For the Metric Variable of number of adults in household (ADULTCT), the descriptive statistics is below: The metric variable of number of adults in household show N=51451 with missing value of 136. The values for the mean, median and mode for this statistics are 3.64, 3.00, and 2. The std. error of mean is minute […]


The hypothesis or alternate hypothesis is usually hidden in a word problem, and is sometimes a statement of what you expect to happen in the experiment or a claim of what will happen. Null hypothesis is statement of what will happen if the hypothesis or alternate doesn’t come true. Null hypothesis is the opposite statement […]

Statistical Terms in Quantitative Research

Statistically significant means a result is unlikely due to chance. The p-value is the probability of obtaining the difference we saw from a sample (or a larger one) if there really isn’t a difference for all users. A conventional (and arbitrary) threshold for declaring statistical significance is a p-value of less than 0.05.  Statistical significance […]