
Data Errors in Quantitative Research

Many of our today’s knowledge of facts and findings are being achieved via experimentations and the use of quantitative analysis. Some of the concluded data by other researchers may be called unaccepted value of error. However, some errors occur in different stages of conducting research. For us to understand how errors € can be essential in other parts of research investigation, it is important to research human errors. One way of understanding human errors in research is the use of concept analysis to explore the specific concepts of human error (Institute of Medicine, 2000). When looking at concluded research that are of related to hospital care, few research errors were seen to be present in data gathering or final outcomes. Although, what is currently significant is how reducing medical errors is a crucial issue facing today’s hospitals. I believed finding data errors is not only necessary but as other studies proved, for example, it will provide applied guidance for hospital administrators charged with the task of developing better systems to reduce medical errors in research (McFadden, Towell, & Stock, 2004).


Institute of Medicine (2000). To err is human, building a safety health system. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

McFadden, K. L., Towell, E. R., & Stock, G. N. (2004). Critical success factors for controlling and managing hospital errors. The Quality Management Journal 11(1), 61-74.