A duty to care can be legally established in the presentation of a case if plaintiff is able to prove the existence of a legal relationship between himself or herself and the dependent. As it was described, duty is a legal obligation of care, performance, or observance imposed on one to defend the rights of others. For example, breach of duty may arise if here is a legally binded relationship between physician and a patient, family member taking care of his fellow family member, health insurance duty to provide stated benefits of coverage, life insurance duty to provide benefit coverage per the terms and conditions, apartment owner owed for not providing stated and legally impasse benefit to tenant, duty to treat emergency patient, duty to provide timely care and transfer, and duty to hire and/or pay specific amount for salary and provide additional benefits by employer, professional lawyer to protect and provide duty to his clients, and teacher to provide standard for learning opportunities to his student, et cetera. To be applied in the presentation of a case, the breach must and should occur when the legal relationship was in effect, at the time a purported injury befell.