
Health Educators and The Changing Behaviors.

The role of theory is such an important matter that many health education research processes cannot be explained in a philosophical lens. Healthcare professionals and other researchers look at the theory in many forms. They see research theories as part of important aspects of analyzing the research approaches – be that as it may qualitative, quantitative, mixed research approach, trans-theoretical model, the theory of planned behavior, and social learning theory. Without the application of appropriate theory, research quality may be undercut. 

        There is a long tradition within social learning theory that health education is central and of critical importance. When looking generally on the aspects and significance of applying theory in research practice, we can see an important role for all health educators to positively influence the health behavior of individuals and communities, as well as the living conditions that influence their health. Yet many health educators have found that despite their many efforts to educate individuals and communities to change their unhealthy behaviors. After leaving a health education program, individuals go home and make choices to either do what has been taught or continue to do what is convenient for their choice (Fomby-White, 2010). What is convenient for the person may not always be a healthy option. I believed health educators can include an interventional approach that will teach individuals how to better understand their health choices and implications, and how to appropriately identify the best option.

Fomby-White, B. (2010). ENHANCING HEALTH EDUCATION BY INCLUDING CHOICE EDUCATION INTERVENTION AND THE THEORY OF CHOICE INTO THE TEACHING PLAN. Race, Gender & Class, 17(3), 298-306. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/762223622?accountid=14872