- Multiple disciplines, history, social movements.
- Observation of phenomena, detailing, analyzing, and interpreting faces, patterns, qualities, and meanings of human phenomena of a study.
- Action researcher, co-researchers, participant-researcher, learning organization, dialogue, appreciative inquiry.
- Observation, focus group, interviews.
- The focus is on social change of the participants and the phenomena of interests. This approach call for precise knowledge inquiry, and skills.
- This approach relied on method of systematic inquiry, asking, observing and immersing participant or subject entity into the research.
Merriam, S. B., & Tisdell, E. J. (2015). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. John Wiley & Sons.
Berg, B. L., Lune, H., & Lune, H. (2004). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (Vol. 5). Boston, MA: Pearson.