I prefer to write on public-private partnership in healthcare because of its enormous benefits in the healthcare communities. Healthcare partnership allows multiple or diverse groups of healthcare communities to work together, in a common prospect and ideology (Sasenick ,1994). Accordingly, Sasenick(1994) further mentioned that both the state and the private healthcare communities could partners for collaborative effort in handling healthcare delivery. Infact, Hadi et al.(2012) opined that health care delivery system has become more business oriented, because of global competitiveness. Also the research mentioned the need for a change in healthcare system to sustain the performance while prevent decline in infrastructural development (Hadi ,et al.2012). Leadership in public health assist in strategic goals development to allow effective use of resources, both material and financial, and in providing quality service (Sasenick, 1994).
Possible benefits:
As mentioned by Sasenick (1994) healthcare partnership provides open opportunities for capacity building among the professional within the organization. Also, healthcare partnership provides enhanced improvement in performance between the partners (Sasenick, 1994). As stated by Hadi et al. (2012), enhanced leadership focuses especially in provision and maintenance of existing facilities—and in planning and alignment of strategic goals and objectives. Public-private partnership is more service-oriented than public-services sector, under state control (Nicholas and Frederic 2011). There is a continuous improvement in service delivery where full interaction between the patient and the service provider, with limited administrative process is made possible (Nicholas and Frederic, 2011). In healthcare partnership, organizational structure is well defined, and the line of leadership is clearly segmented to allow for closer monitoring and supervision within the organizations. Communication is flexible with goals and objectives clearly highlighted. Typically, the introduction of private-public partnership programme in some healthcare facilities and controlled by some state in Ghana has brought remarkable changes in the health institution, previously operated by government. Staffs are more commitment to duties. There are remarkable changes in human capacity, and infrastructural development within the healthcare unit.
Though according to Hai et al.(2013), there are challenges, but such challenges could be addressed through effective enforcement and implication of legislative process, as applicable in the state laws, ethics, and regulations. Though there are some challenges in counterpart funding agreement, however such are always prevented through memorandum of understanding developed where right and responsibilities of all stakeholders are clearly defined. High costs of service charges are also visible in public-private partnership making it unaffordable for the poor in the communities. However, to prevent delays in the provision of counterpart funding, government agencies involved in such partnership should be more committed. Sharing formula based on agreed terms and conditions must be followed to enhance staff welfare and greater productivity.
Hadi, A.N., Alldred, D.V., Briggs.M and Closs.J.S.(2012). A combined nurse-pharmacist managed pain clinic joint venture of public and private sectors, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 34 (1) pp 1-3.doi: 10.1007/s.110.96.
Nicholas, G. & Frederic, H.G. (2011). Top management leadership style and quality of care in nursing homes’, American Journal of Gerontologist Society, 51 (5), pp.1-16, Eric [Online]. AN: 00169013.
Sasenick, S.M.(1994). Collaborative governance: the new frontier, The Healthcare Forum Journal, 36(6) pp.1-2.