A study by Ku & Kegels (2014) was aimed at investigating variances in diabetes knowledge, attitudes and perceptions (KAP), self-care practices as related to assessment of chronic illness care among people with diabetes consulting, in a family physician-led tertiary hospital-based out-patient clinic versus local government health unit-based health centers in the Philippines. Interviewers were performed using questionnaires revised from previously tested and validated KAP questionnaires; and the patients’ assessment of chronic illness care (PACIC) questionnaire was also used. This study guides in re-shaping the auxiliary-related data recommendations for the implementation of the deterrence and assessment plan of type 2 diabetes in Philippines. A cross sectional survey was also conducted in the metropolitan Houston areas to show how Filipino-Americans have an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. The study explored high prevalence of type 2 diabetes and supports earlier studies, suggesting that Filipinos are at higher risk for type 2 diabetes than the U.S. non-Hispanic white population. Survey-based secondary data speaks of usually data composed by questionnaires that have already been examined for their original purpose. An example of a survey-based secondary data is the secondary data analyses of dietary surveys undertaken in South Africa to determine usual food consumption of the population ( Steyn, Nel & Casey, 2003). According to the data presented in the cited study, it was shown that reference tables of usually consumed foods and beverages were produced at nominal charge based on secondary data analyses of past nutritional surveys in different South African populaces.
Cuasay, L. C., Lee, E. S., Orlander, P.P., Batey, L. S., & Hanis, C. L. (2001). Prevalence and Determinants of Type 2 Diabetes Among Filipino-Americans in the Houston, Texas Metropolitan Statistical Area. American Diabetes Association. 24(12), 2054-2058. doi: 10.2337/diacare.24.12.2054
Ku, G. V., & Kegels, G. (2014). A cross-sectional study of the differences in diabetes knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and self-care practices as related to assessment of chronic illness care among people with diabetes consulting in a family physician-led hospital-based first. Asia Pacific Family Medicine, 13(1), 1-17. doi:10.1186/s12930-014-0014-z
Steyn, N. P., Nel, J. H. & Casey, A. (2003). Secondary data analyses of dietary surveys undertaken in South Africa to determine usual food consumption of the population. Public Health Nutrition, 6(7), 631-44.