Health Without Gaps continues to support our vulnerable population.

Healthcare systems in Slovenia and Finland. Can We Learn Anything?

  Health care in Slovenia is a public service provided through public health service network. Unlike the U.S., this network includes, on an equal basis, other institutions, private physicians, and other private service providers based on enterprises (WHO, 2011). With relatively limited public funds available for this purpose, the level of health care in Slovenia […]

Using Medicare Payment Policy To Transform The Health System: A Framework For Improving Performance- A Journal Review.

Prepared by: Abubakar Binji Synopsis:             The concern of providing pleasing medical overhaul to all the citizens of the United States at costs which can be focused and succeeded is an unrelenting one. Presently, many Americans do not receive medical care that is satisfactory both in quantity or quality or equality, and the costs of […]

United States Healthcare System

There are many advocates of U.S healthcare system, in terms of historical and quality delivery of care. For example, some advocates of healthcare improvement, quality and equality of care have come far away from home. This is because there is no doubt the trends in U.S. healthcare industry is evolving, and thanks to policy changes, […]

Can We Learn from Cuba Healthcare System?

when looking at the U.S. healthcare system, we can see some factors shaping the strength of a single unchallenged status. Among them and as a consequence of an imperfect market for healthcare is the entry limits that prevent the number of providers who can run-through in a particular area (Altman, Reinherdt & Shields, 1998).  These […]

Quality of Healthcare in Community Health Centers

            It has become very important in healthcare environments, especially of community health centers to approach patients as consumers of health services, while answering their complaints and comments (Frosch & Elwyn, 2014). Patient dissatisfaction and satisfaction of care should be echoed as important outputs of any country’s sound healthcare system (Lyu, Wick, Housman & Freishlag […]

Healthcare System In the United States

The costs of employing universal healthcare system in the United States is a major hindrance to its majority supports and implementation approach.  The advocates of U.S. universal healthcare system showed how it is time to take a closer look at single payer scheme, which could save billions of dollar, in turn to be used to […]