Health Without Gaps continues to support our vulnerable population.

Qualitative Participatory Research

Qualitative participatory research approach is an important interactive research for learning action processes. Participatory Action Research (PAR) is a qualitative research methodology option that requires further understanding and consideration. PAR is considered democratic, equitable, liberating, and life-enhancing qualitative inquiry that remains distinct from other qualitative methodologies (Kemmis & McTaggaet, 2003). PAR can explain how qualitative […]

Qualitative Research Workshop: Oral Health of Children under the age of 6- Research Premise

          The phenomenon of interest is the research on oral health of low income children, 6 years and under. Some research articles highlighted relational changes in children’s oral health to the quality of their teeth (Malden, Thomson, Jokovic & Locker, 2008). Particularly, this relational change of teeth pertains to children aged 6 years and […]