Health Without Gaps continues to support our vulnerable population.

Research Articles-Health Problems and effects of hospital acquired infections in improving patients’ quality of care in Africa

Nejad, S. B., Allegranzi, B., Syed, S. B., Ellis, B., & Pittet, D. (2011). Health-care-associated infection in Africa: a systematic review. Bulletin Of The World Health Organization, 89(10), 757-765. doi:10.2471/BLT.11.088179           The article by Nejad, Allegranzi, Syed, Ellis & Pittet (2011) aimed at assessing the epidemiological approach of healthcare related infection in Africa.  Three best, scholarly […]

Hospitals need a logistical control system that tracks patient throughput

As the use of dashboards continues to grow, it is time to step back and ask how they can help hospitals increase quality and lower costs. We know emergency department (ED) tracking boards have reduced the time-to-be-seen and left-without-being-seen rates, while clinical dashboards have helped clinicians with care protocols, drug administration and patient status, which improves the quality of patients’ care […]