The application of Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) is in line with the need to implement hospital preventive programs that are designed at overcoming any related infection. Although some hospitals and other healthcare facilities have developed extensive infection control programs to prevent nosocomial infections, these programs should focus on identifying high-risk procedures and other possible sources of infection. For instance, high-risk measures such as urinary catheterization should be performed only when necessary and catheters should be left in for as little time as possible (Selius & Subedi, 2008). Hand hygiene is a crucial factor in the control of HAI — because hands can easily transfer micro-organisms from one area or patient to another. Despite strategies to promote hand hygiene, I think there still seemed to be difficulty persuading hospitals’ staff to adopt hand-washing practice.
Selius B.A & Subedi, R. (2008). Urinary retention in adults: diagnosis and initial management. American Family Physician, 77(5), 643-50.