

Promise Youth Development


  1. Overview: The training was perfectly conducted in an organized manner in terms of human resources and utility services. However recommendations may be available that may improve the training outcome. Challenges though not much but have been faced during the training.
  2. Program Dates, times, venue(s)
  3. Day 1 activities: Social entrepreneurship discussion was carried out which takes place at 21st century entrepreneurs’ hub, Sokoto by 11:30 am to 2:30 pm. Exciting highlight are groups works, questions and answers session, practical illustration and evaluations of participants opinions and suggestions.
  4. Day 2 activities: Impact analysis and assessment, and basics of advocacy have been discussed. Venue same as for activity 1. Time is 9:30am to 3:00 pm. Exciting highlight are groups works, questions and answers session, practical illustration and evaluations of participants opinions and suggestions.
  5. Day 3 activities: Basics of Policy making and strategic planning were discussed. Venue is same as with above activities. Time line is also the same as activity 2 above. Exciting highlight are groups works, questions and answers session, practical illustration and evaluations of participants opinions and suggestions.
  6. Day 4 activities: Design thinking and funding for start ups and bussiness growth were discussed. Venue and timeline is the same as with above activities. Exciting highlight are groups works, questions and answers session, practical illustration and evaluations of participants opinions and suggestions.

             (For the programs activities please ensure to capture all the exciting highlights.)

  1. Statistics: Number of participants, Number of Female and Males, number of facilitators and other important figures. Total number of participants was around 32 with about 8 females and 24 males. There were 5 facilitators that facilitate the training and activities and one important figure, the Honourable commissioner for budget and economic planning.
  2. Facilitators: Name and profile of each facilitator: 1- AMB. Nafisa Abubakar Zaki, CEO Zakis GEM General Service Ltd. 2- Hafsat Sahabi Dange, an entrepreneur. 3- Muhammad Garba, Head of Save the Child Initiative (STCI). 4- Usman Mareri, fellow mandella Washington fellowship. 5- Lawal Ahmad, an entrepreneur.
  3. Challenges: (List at least 4 challenges faced while implementing this project): The first challenge was many participants finds it difficult to access online information and resources during the class activities. The second challenge was that detail explanations with practical examples were not highlighted adequately. The third challenge was that lunch provided was inadequate to strengthen participants interest and coherent. The last challenge was that no enough space within the class and inadequate microphone to reach out responses.
  4. Recommendations (Please list at least 5 recommendations to make this project better): Firstly, the project may look at providing temporary computer set with networking capabilities such as internet modem for each and every participant in attendance to curtail the problem of access to online information. Secondly, facilitators may need to be trained more to facilitate knowledge input adequately. Thirdly, tea and bread or breakfast may be provided to enhance early daily attendance of participant to the training class. Fourthly, adequate building or class may be provided for enhance organization and environment. Lastly, and very important the project may prepare some sort of online questions, quiz or exams based on each day activity for which every participant may be exposed to prior to leaving the class. The online assessment can be restricted on a chosen time allowed to test understanding of every participant on daily basis and perhaps to score the participants. 
  5. Highlights in pictures and captions: Generally pictures were from power point slides and are pretty good. Captions were simplified and memorable. In addition events and group pictures as well as video coverage were taken by a photographer.
  6. Participants feedback. I was able to provide full feedback on daily activities basis throughout the four day duration.
  7. Acknowledgement: Name of Project Director, Manager’s, Volunteers and Partners. Project Directors were Umar and Umar Morojee, 21st Century entrepreneurs’ hub.

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